Nevertheless, my attention was soon brought back to reality as Chris widened his smile arrogantly before drowning the whole while showing me his hands full. "I brought some coffee. Because coffee is important when we have to use our brains. "

"Why do I feel a bit of sarcasm?" I asked giggling slightly as I took the cardboard out of his hands before taking a step aside to let him in.

" I wouldn't dare. Promised, I would be on my best behavior." He said giving me a wink as I shut the door behind him before I clumsily stood in the entrance as he took in our surroundings.

I ended by clearing my throat awkwardly before passing in front of him to indicate the way. "So ... we're going to get to my room. Unless you prefer the living room ? My parents are not home, nor are my brothers."

"So we're all alone?" Chris immediately deduced with an arched eyebrow in my direction letting me frown for a moment, obviously not understanding his implication on the moment before I hit him on the arm as he laughed.

"Relax, Céleste. It was just an observation. "

I rolled my eyes over my shoulder as I led him through the corridor before shaking my head as I imitated him childishly. "It was just an observation. "

"Ah! Ah! Very funny, Céleste." He commented, making me giggle slightly before quickly frowning as I saw his gaze stop at a specific point in the back of my anatomy before he licked his lips out of habit.

I shook my head at myself by just deciding to ignore his boring behavior before stopping in the middle of my room turning to him as he closed the door. "That it. Here's my room. "


The review plan proceeded as planned. At least for two or three hours. It was when I offered a Q & A test that Chris's Penetrators side came out.

"What do I get with every correct answer ?"

I put the revision cards on my thighs and gave him an incredulous look. "Seriously?"

"What ? It is not interesting if there are no issues." He said innocently as he leaned over the head of my bed with a broad teasing smile.

I rolled my eyes despite the persistent smile on my lips before suddenly getting up to the agreement of the ringing of my phone.

I quickly unlocked my screen with a smile at William's new ID before scoffing at reading his message.

New best friend 😉:
Hey! I just had to make sure you didn't suddenly change your mind in the night ^^

I was about to reply only to him, without counting on Christoffer's intervention as he suddenly took my phone from my hands.

" What-"

"Ah! Ah! We are supposed to be revised. Wouldn't you like to be a bad little girl ?" He teased with malice making me chuckle in spite of myself as I was trying to get my phone back in vain. "Plus, what can be so important, huh? A message from this blonde friend? "

I tried again to pick up my phone as he turned on my screen just to install a frown on his chiseled face. "Chris ! "

"William? Why is William sending you a text ?" He asked suddenly as every trace of his previous smile faded, causing me to stare at him in surprise and uncertainty.

I took advantage of his obvious boredom to retrieve my phone before shrugging my shoulders as I avoided his piercing look. "Because we're friends?"

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now