Chapter 4: Stalkers and Flashbacks

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Katie just needed to get out of there.

She walked quickly down the corridor, dodging other students swiftly as she made her way to the door. She moved swiftly and was soon out of the school grounds and got home after 10 minutes of walking briskly

But now that she was home alone (her mother was at work) she had time to think. And she definitely didn't want that.

She didn't want to feel the pain she felt that day.

So she did something she always did.. every evening.

She spied on Josh

She couldn't help it, what girl could? She was blessed, her bedroom window was the envy of all her friends, positioned at just the right angle for her to admire Josh and his... assets, while not getting caught.

At least, she hoped she wouldn't get caught.

After 10 minutes of waiting impatiently, her entertainment, or rather, distraction arrived in the form of a silver Porsche.

Did she mention the Quinns were rich? Well whoops, there's a bombshell.

As Josh got out of his car, Katie noticed something was off. Josh wasn't his relaxed, confident self. He seemed tense, and worried.

Wow, I must be delusional. How the hell am I meant to know if a guy is worried by staring at his back?

For a few moments Katie just stared creepily at his back. He wouldn't see her staring, he never even glanced in the direction of her house before. Why would he? He had no reason to.

But, then Josh did something Katie didn't expect. He looked at her house. not only that, he looked at her window

My flipping window. Oh God, he's gonna see me and he'll realise I've been staring and he'll think I'm a stalker and then he'll hate me and he'll think I'm a freak and I'll be so embarrassed and Oh God, Oh God, Oh God..

So Katie did the only thing she could think of in this sheer moment of utter panic. She ducked.

Did he see me?

She wasn't sure, so she glanced up to check. And what she saw shocked her.

Josh looked as god-like as ever, but his expression was beyond worry. It was a mixture of pain, anxiety and anger. But why was he looking through her window? Katie didn't understand, he didn't even know who she was, let alone know where she lived. He never had paid her any special attention, so why start now?

You're a dumbass Katie, he mustn't be looking over here. You must have just imagined it. Stupid, hopeful girl.

She blinked back tears as her dream that maybe, just maybe, he was thinking about her vanished. It would never happen, and even if it did it wouldn't last. He would soon tire of her, and she would spend the rest of her life wondering what she did wrong.

She was the straight A student who had a strange obsession for the completely yummy guy next door, that she knew was a total player but she still couldn't get out of her mind. And that was all.

She was too weary, too broken and she would not be fixed. Nobody cared enough to fix her. And nobody ever would.

Not even the person she thought she loved.

Tears began seeping down her face as she remembered what she had been wanting to forget.


Katie skipped with joy as she made her way down the street to school. It was a very special day, and she had made a special effort to show how much it meant to her. She hoped it was worth it.

She had told Daniel that she wouldn't be into school today, but in truth she had fibbed in order to surprise him.

It was their 4 month anniversary (I know that it doesn't make sense, but then again, nothing does really, right?)

As she made her way down the street, she breathed in the warm May air, mixed with the sweet scent of daisies, her favourite flower. She loved them because the were so simple and beautiful, and they were wild yet tame. and of course, because they were white, her favourite colour. She smiled as she imagined how her surprise would be answered.

She imagined that she would be walking down the hall, and Daniel would simply pull her into his arms, and they would forget the school, forget the world, as they would kiss and realized how lucky they were -then she would give him the daisies, and something much more important..

But it didn't go to plan.

As Katie walked through the entrance doors of the school, everyone stared. Some were pale, some looked pitiful, while others whispered and sniggered as she passed. Katie furrowed her eyebrows and blushed as she made her way to Daniels locker.

And when she did, she stopped in her tracks.

She felt sick, she wished she hadn't come to school today.

"No, no, no" she cried, tears welling up in her eyes as she saw what was happening.

The 'couple' snapped apart and Katie was met with eyes that were full of horror - the eyes of the devil. the eyes of Daniel.

Slowly she turned to see who the slut that had been clawing him was. She felt like slapping the b*tch. She reached out, ready for a full on-cat fight.

And then she gagged. It was Clarice. As she stared into those cold grey eyes, She couldn't believe it. Not Clarice, not one of her best friends ever. Not doing this, please no, not her, anyone but her.

Why did she have to be the one shoving her tongue down his throat?

"Katie wait, I can explain!" Daniel called. Yeah, sure he could.

But Katie turned, tears streaming down her face, dropping the bunch of daises she had in her hands, without saying a word. And she walked out of the school alone, knowing it was over. And kicking herself for not seeing it sooner.

But most of all, she just felt pain.

That was the day she was going to tell him she loved him.


Oooooh, snap!!

hi people!! fellow wattpadians (lol)

Hmmm, what do we think of Daniel, complete ass or what?

and Clarice? what's you're opinion?

why was josh worried?

Did you enjoy Katie's flashback?

let me know... and don't forget to..

comment, vote and follow!!!!!!!!

thanks peeps :)

Roisin :D

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