Chapter 9: The Game Piece

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Katies POV:

About 15 minutes later Dylan arrived with a resigned expression on his face. He immediately entered the outhouse while Katie stepped away, taking her phone out of her clutch and calling a cab.

Fifteen minutes later she was squished into the back seat of an old ford focus that reeked of sick and she arrived home exhausted by the nights events

Never again.

She plopped straight into bed and worried if she would be able to sleep at all that night. Needless to say she was out like a light as soon as she got under her warm duvet covers.


Something is wrong with me.

Like seriously wrong.

As soon as she woke up the next morning everything came flooding back to her. She groaned in exasperation - it was going to be one of THOSE days. One of those days where you can't stop thinking about something, and the more you want to forget about it, the more it haunts you.

She forgot to get changed before getting into bed the night before, so she took a quick shower, towel dried her hair and put on a nirvana band tee, a pair of purple skinny jeans and black combat boots. She threw her hair up into a messy bun and made her way downstairs. Thank God it was Saturday.

Her mind was still a whirlwind of thoughts after eating a poptart (healthy, I know) but she tried to ignore it.

But what was irritating her the most was what she was thinking about. It was stupid and selfish - but she couldn't help it.

She should have been worrying about Danni, but all she could think about was how she unceremoniously left Josh at the party. His face was stuck in her mind, his unreadable expression causing her brows to furrow and a dull ache to form in her chest. He shouldn't matter. But he did.

It wasn't fair on him. He deserved an explanation.

Even if he was a pain in the ass.

So that was why after a few more minutes of internal conflict, she found herself crossing he road making her way over to the Quinns house for the first time. Even though they had been living opposite her for 5 years, she hadn't talked to Josh at all until the first day of school this year.

Her mother forbade her to have any contact with the Quinns, and yet here she was sneaking out while her mother was in town buying groceries. If she ever found out, Katie would be barbecued. Not literally, but you get the picture.

Her pace slowed as she neared the house, and Katie wondered if this was a good idea after all. The curtains were drawn and the building looked cold and forlorn. Yet she continued determinedly and knocked on the front door after a few minutes of debating with herself about whether she should or not.

She heard someone sprinting inside and the door jerked open.

Josh stared at her frantically for a few moments, then hissed "What are you doing here?"

Katie started, surprised by his tone and expression. He looked beyond angry, and terrified. He was a mess, his hair resembling a birds nest, his clothes crumpled and his eyes bloodshot. Looked like she wasn't the only one who had a rough night. She didn't know she had hurt him this much, it made her feel guilty and a lump rose in her throat as she stuttered a response.

"I just wanted to explain about yesterday. And to apologise. I'm sorry I left yesterday, but-"

She was cut off by Josh "It doesn't matter, I get it. You should get out of here now, though. Go home"


"Go home. Please." his tone was pleading now, all traces of anger gone. Was she that revolting that he didn't even want to be near her for a few moments?

"Umm, ok.. Bye Josh." as she turned to go, Josh gripped her arm.

Talk about mixed messages.

"Its not your fault, honestly Katie. But you should probably stay away from me. I'm no good, and my family is messed up. Stick to your side of the street"

Katie smiled sadly and left without another word, but when she arrived back home she had to dig her fingernails into her palms to keep herself from crying, to allow the physical pain to overcome whatever mixed up feelings she had inside

I don't understand.

She didn't understand him. and she didn't understand herself, why she was getting worked up over him. Its crazy. She felt crazy.

It was time to forget him. Forget he even existed. Right now.

Why was it so hard?


Josh's POV:

I feel like shit

Josh raked his hands through his hair and his eyebrows furrowed. He had just told Katie to leave him alone, to stay away from him.

I am so stupid.

He didn't want that, hell, things were just getting started. He loved the chase, and the challenge, and boy was Katie a challenge. But it wasn't just that. Katie was different. Josh didn't know why. She just was.

And now you've scared her away. Great man, really great.

He walked slowly back to the kitchen, which he had only ran from a few minutes before in an effort to answer it before his brother. Like he could be bothered, anyway.

"Who was that, your girlfriend?" his brother, George chuckled as he read a newspaper from the armchair in the corner, nursing a hangover. He'd arrived last night at the party, and Josh wasn't exactly ecstatic to see him.

George and Josh never had a close relationship, and George was trouble. The cops followed him like the plague. He took after his father. Cold, uncaring. Unforgiving.

"No, just a friend." Josh replied coldly. He didn't want George knowing anything about Katie. She could get hurt. And besides, they were friends. Just friends. If they could be considered even that.

"Uh huh. Well if you won't have her, I will. I can just imagine grabbing that little-"

"ENOUGH!" Josh shouted, seeing red. How dare he talk about Katie like that. She was not a toy. She was far too innocent, and was far too good for anyone, especially his vile brother. His stomach heaved at the thought of anybody touching her like that. It was sick.

"ooooh, is someone jelly? Ha, you've gotten soft with age, brother, I'll have to toughen you up again" George smirked, lighting a cigarette and placing it in its mouth. It wasn't a regular cigarette.

"I'm not soft." Josh muttered. Just because he cared about Katie didn't mean...

Oh shit. I am soft. Man, I think I'm whipped. Really, really whipped

"Really? We'll see."

Josh groaned internally as his brother said this. When his brother wanted you to so something, you did it. No questions asked. And Josh had a feeling he would be a game piece again.

He just dreaded the moment when his brother would begin the game.


I'm alive hahaha :D

I missed you guys, and I missed updating too - I've had so much to do!

Actually if you want to know exactly what's been going on in my life, head on over to @thehatefulones profile to find out!

Yay an update - I hope ill be updating more regularly again, fingers crossed :) Anyway let me know what you think of the chapter - intense or what lol?

The Quinns house to the side (they're rich af lol)

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!
Love ya

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