Bad Karma [under MAJOR editing]

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BAD KARMA © 2014

All rights reserved


5 years earlier:

Judith Snow was curious, why on earth shouldn't she be? It wasn't every day that you got new neighbours, and the house opposite her own certainly didn't come cheap either.

The buyers of the property were Mr and Mrs Quinn, who had 2 sons named George and Josh, and Judith hoped that they would be friendly. Or at least of a 'higher class' like herself, which was why she decided to walk over to the house and offer some of her delicious homemade blueberry muffins as a "Welcome to the neighbourhood" present, but what she didn't expect was the Quinns response. Or what was about to happen. Had she heard this story from any other woman within her circle of friends, she would have silently scoffed at their exaggeration.

After a few moments of waiting anxiously, Mrs Quinn opened the door, and Judith offered her gift. Mrs Quinn smiled and gushed "Oh thank you, you shouldn't have" and Judith waited, expecting to be invited in for afternoon tea. There was an awkward silence before Mrs Quinn spoke again.

"Oh, do come in" she said warmly, but Judith noticed that she seemed to say it begrudgingly, and as she did so her eyes filled with fear. Judith didn't understand this as she made her way through the narrow hall with creaky wooden floorboards laden with large cardboard boxes until she was bustled into the modern kitchen and offered a quick cup of tea. After a few minutes of small talk in the bare room- apart from the multitude of cardboard boxes, their hasty conversation was interrupted by the slamming of a door. The smell of vodka filled the room and Judith gagged automatically in disgust.

A man entered the room, Mr Quinn as she soon discovered, and he smiled at her in a creepy fashion. His crooked teeth and receding hairline were rather unappealing, yet nothing in comparison the wrinkled tattoos covering his arms. And wrinkled tattoos are never nice. Never.

"Hey good-lookin'" he leered. Judith was shocked and appalled. Who was this man? Judith edged away in her chair slightly. The room wasn't big enough. She don't want to be in the same neighbourhood, vicinity, country as this vile specimen. Where were his morals? His respect?

"Mrs snow, this is my husband, Mike" Mrs Quinn informed her, the fear in her eyes returning.
Judith was frightened too - and so she should, have been, as not even 5 minutes later the police had barged in, unannounced and unwelcome as they seized an unwilling Mr Quinn and dragged him to their car while he spat at them and cursed.

How much has that man had to drink. Really?

Just as he was being handcuffed and pushed into the car, he yelled to his wife "I don't care what our family has to do to get me out, just do it!"

Mrs. Quinn grimaced and her head hung in resignation as the words sank in.

I don't care..

Just do it.

Judith returned to her own home shivering with fear and disgust, and soon came to the conclusion that the Quinn family was "nuts".

She vowed to protect her only daughter, Katie, who was 12 at this time, by making sure she would stay away from the entire Quinn family,as Judith was sure there was something wrong with them. Seriously wrong.

The little girl walked over to her mother, her brows furrowed with confusion as Judith shivered against the inside of the front door. Sirens still blaring outside, it had to be one of the most traumatic experiences of her life.

"Mummy, whats wrong" Katie asked innocently. Judith concluded that it was best to scare her angel away from the entire family, especially the little boy Josh, who would be Katies age. Bad lot. Wouldn't want her daughter to get mixed up with a rough family like that.

Yes, frightening her away really was the only option. Warning her away would be the only solution.

"Very bad people live in that house across the street, darling. you must stay away"

"But mummy.."

"No Katie. If i find you anywhere near the Quinns, you will get into deep trouble"

Her daughter sighed "Ok, mother"

Katie would stay away. Katie would be safe.

Judith would make sure of it.

Katie didn't need to speak to those people. ever. let alone, become acquaintances, or god forbid, friends.

Keep Katie oblivious to it all. To them - rough garbage

What she didn't realise was how hard that would be...


hi people

hope you like the prologue for blindfold (LTE) :)

it basically just gives you the background of the story, and of course the first mention of the ?leading me, action is coming...

thank god i'm not doing this story from Judith's POV After This ... bit posh,v isn't she??

all will be explained later in the book ;)

comment, vote and b



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