Chapter 2: Oh Holy...

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Josh looked at her and she immediately dropped her gaze to the floor. Her brain was scrambled.

My thoughts at this moment: dhhjftjreteedxmxv

Mr Mc Kenna told Josh to take the seat next to Katie and Josh nodded, an arrogant smirk still etched on his face.

Cue red face - tomato feature, activate.

Katie's mouth was dry and she spluttered violently, surprised at the arrangement. And also nervous.


Oh boy she was nervous, she was a wreck if Josh came within a 5 metre radius to her, and that irritated her. Why did she have to act like such a... girl when he was around her!

Josh walked, well more like glided down to the desk and smirked at her, a smirk hat made Katie blush deeply, and look down at her textbooks in embarrassment. She heard him chuckle quietly, and then he too got out his books.

As the class wore on, Katie couldn't help glancing over at Josh, more often than she should, and every time she did she was stunned again by his.... well cuteness. No, hotness. Whatever.

But he's not cute. He's not hot. He's bad. Worse, dangerous. Like drugs, burglaries, going to jail - or worse - kind of dangerous.

Josh had dark brown hair that any girl wold want to run their hands through, deep green eyes, a muscular body and lightly tanned skin. He wore casual clothes, a shirt and jeans, and completely mastered the 'not trying too hard' look. He was the classic bad boy of course, the boy who would fall in love in cliché romance movies.

Only Josh would not be tamed. he was very real, and therefore very much a dick in Katie's eyes. (Not literally, that would be a bit awkward)

As soon as class ended, Katie practically jumped out of her seat in relief. It was bad enough sitting next to Josh, she didn't want to spend any more time than was necessary with him.

Just as she was leaving, a hand caught her arm. She sighed and turned, and her heart rate quickened as she realized who it was.

"Josh let go." Katie stated, struggling to release his grip on her. She wanted the leave before she did something stupid like faint in his arms or something

Well, its not that stupid..

She nearly slapped herself for even thinking that.

No, I will not be intimidated by him!

Unfortunately for Katie, this was a little difficult as Josh walked closer to her and murmured "you're not very chatty, are you?"

Katie silently disagreed with this, normally she was very bubbly and talkative, but he had never seen that side of her, and he never would.

"we were in class!" Katie snapped back, and instantly regretted it. Now he probably thought she was a nerd, as well as being socially awkward.

Josh snorted "So?" and Katie glowered at him before struggling out of his tight grasp and marching out of the room.

I knew he was a pain...


Later that day, once Katie had walked home from school, she walked into her house to find her mother speaking animatedly on her mobile. Katie popped her dinner into the microwave and checked her phone while laying on the couch.

3 new messages

Danni: call me plz :-)

Danni: hurry up and call me, I need to tell u sumefin!!!

Danni: JEEZ KATIE call me!!!!!!! waiting here?!!!

Katie sighed. Her best friend of 3 years, Danni Sawyers, was impatient at the best of times, but at the worst of times... she was unbearable.

Katie called her. Danni picked up after one ring and Katie chuckled.

"Finally!!" Danni sighed dramatically "you took your time" she added sarcastically.

Katie rolled her eyes, it had been 10 minutes since Danni had sent the first text.

"OK,OK shoot me" Katie grumbled, but she was just teasing her BFF, as she usually did.

Katie often wondered why someone like Danni would be friend with someone like her. They were complete opposites, both physically and personality-wise.

Danni was a tall, tanned blonde, the type of girl boys would normally drool over. She was toned and fit, and her big brown eyes would put Bambi to shame. Katie was completely different. She was of average height (5"5") had wavy brown hair that nearly reached her waist, and deep ocean blue eyes- which she always believed to be her best feature.

While Danni was very outspoken and confident among other girls and guys, Katie was a little shy and found it very hard to begin a conversation with someone she didn't know well. Especially with guys.

She wished she was outgoing like Danni, but that would never happen, it just seemed like Danni had a gift of making people like her. Nobody could resist her charms. It was a little frustrating at times, as Katie had the charm of a dead cat.

I kid you not.

Overall, Danni had been the only person to stick by her through the bad times, except perhaps for her mother and Leon... (her cousin). She could trust her with her life and soul and was her primary confidant. Katie was so glad to have Danni in her life.

"umm, are you OK?" Danni said, sounding slightly concerned. Katie soon realised she had blanked out on her friend and had completely ignored what she was saying.


"Oh sorry, I was just in a a bit of a daydream there." Katie explained quickly to her friend

"Mmmnnn about what? I couldn't have anything to do with a certain neighbour, could it? A certain guy that lives next door that is as hot as a mean piece of-..."

"OK, OK , you caught me" Katie giggled teasingly. Just because Josh was a pain in the ass, that didn't mean he wasn't as hot as butter on a frying pan, if you catch my drift.

She would need to stand back or she'd get burned.

After a few minutes of teasing each other and yet more giggling, Danni finally decided to tell Katie the reason was so desperate to talk to her. The atmosphere grew more tense. And Danni was never serious, so something was up. Something that could ruin her day, her week, her month, or longer.

"Right, well I'm sorry to say this Katie, but its bombshell time." Danni continued seriously. Katie bit her lip with nervousness.

Oh no, what is it?

Danni answered Katie unasked question.

"Katie I'm sorry but its all over Facebook. Daniel's in a relationship. He moved on, so you should too."


thanks for the love guys (or girls...)

really appreciate it!!

aims for this chapter:




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peace and love


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