Chapter 3: I feel like hitting something right now

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Katie felt a sharp pain in her chest , as though a ton of bricks was weighing her down and pinning her to the ground.

I guess this is what its like to have your heart broken. And i thought I was coping so well.


The person she hated most in the world right now, was the person that was always there for her. He would never let her down,

and he swore he would protect her. He promised that he would never hurt her.

I guess promises can be broken too.

She and Daniel had met 6 months ago when Daniel had moved to the town from London, and they had immediately clicked. Or so she had thought. Turns out, after dating for 4 months, he had been seeing another girl at the same time. And not just any other girl.

And now he was 'in a relationship' with her?! That lying, cheating son of a b**ch. He was a liar from the start, she never should have trusted him, but he seemed so kind and thoughtful...

Katie never wanted to see him again, but that was pretty difficult as they both still went to the same school, which was rather small with only 735 students enrolled.

I really feel like hitting something right now.

"I'm sorry Danni, I have to go, but I'll call you soon, OK?" she resell couldn't talk right now, even if she wanted to, her throat was choked up and she could barely breath.

"Katie are you alright? I could-"

Katie hung up before Danni had finished and curled up in a

ball. She trembled as the pain washed over her, yet she felt detached from it. She didn't know what to believe. she didn't know who to trust anymore, and that scared her. she just wanted it all to go away. but the only way to do that was to move on.

And the only way to move on was to face her fears.

Sighing, she sat up and realised what she needed to do. Something simple, for starters, but it would help her move on. Help her heal. And she needed that. And she didn't need anyone's help.

She logged onto Facebook and did something she never thought she would since the breakup.

She visited Daniels page.

And she stared.

"In a relationship with Clarice Walker".

My ex with my ex-friend.


The next morning, Katie felt undecided. She had 2 courses of action in mind, but she didn't know which plan to take.

Plan 1: Run up to Daniel and Clarice like a complete lunatic and shout abuse at them.

Plan 2: Give them death stares forevermore and be a complete and utter bitch...

hmmm, decisions, decisions...

Before she could make up her mind, the bell rang and she had to rush to her first class.

As she entered English, Josh winked at her. Katie just stared, she definitely wasn't in the mood for his games today. She sat down beside him and continued to feel rotten. Nothing like self pity on a school morning, even if she was in her favourite subject.

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