#67 He saw you on a date with another guy after you breakup

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#67 He saw you on a date with another guy after you breakup

Louis :

It's been two months since your breakup with Louis and you've been mopey and sad. Your best friend sets you up on a blind date. The only things you know about this guy are his name, Matt, and the fact that he is taking you to a concert. He picks you up at seven.

"What concert are we going to?" You ask once you are settled in the car.

"The Fray. I mean everyone loves The Fray, so I figured it would be good." You instantly had a lump in your throat.

"Yeah, they're really good." You tried you best to flash a genuine smile. Thank God, Louis was in tour in America or he would likely be at the concert, The Fray is his favorite band. You arrived at the concert just in time for the first song. Everyone was dancing and singing along to the first up beat song. Once the song ended, the next song started right up. You thought you were going to throw up. It was Look After You. Louis' favorite song.

"You okay?" Matt asked.

"Mhm." You look to your left because there is tons of commotion. You see someone crowd surfing. Who crowd surfs on a slow song? Once the crowd surfer gets closer, you two lock eyes. It was Louis. Of course Louis Tomlinson would crowd surf to this song. His face drops and so does yours. You instantly look away. Soon he is coming towards you. You quickly start up a conversation with Matt. Maybe Louis would take a hint and realize you didn't want to talk to him.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Matt said. He was clearly oblivious to the whole situation. Just as Matt leaves, Louis arrives.

"Are you with that guy?" He asked. He didn't sound happy, or angry, he sounded sad.

"(Y/B/F/N) set me up with him. This is the first time we've gone out." You told him. It really hurt you to see him after the horrible breakup.

"Oh." He just stood there. It was awkward as anything.

"So who are you here with?" You asked. Please don't say a girl. If he was on a date you couldn't take it.

"Stan. He's in from Doncaster."

"Aren't you supposed to be on tour?" You asked.

"Had a couple days off, I was homesick so I flew here." There was a super awkward silence.

"(Y/N), I really miss you. I saw you with that guy and I felt sick. I'm not over you." He blurted.

"I miss you too, Lou." You half smiled. He leaned in to kiss you but you pulled away.

"But, Louis, you really hurt me."

"I'm so sorry. I know. Can we talk about it?"

"Give me a call in the morning." You told him.

"But tonight, I'm with Matt. It's not fair if I ditch him." You smile.

"Well he looks pretty boring, I'm sure nobody would blame you if you did." He laughed.

"I'll see you, Lou." You hugged him goodbye. He stared at you the whole night, making sure nothing happened with you and Matt.

Zayn :

Since your breakup with Zayn, you'd partied a lot. You constantly needed to distract yourself or you would start hurting. Tonight was no exception. You were in London at a new club with your best friends and you'd met some super hot guys. You were on the dance floor having a blast. You felt extra hot tonight in your super tight black dress with cut outs in the back and your studded pumps. You'd had a few drinks so you were letting loose. You were dancing with the guy you'd met, not even sure of his name when he leaned in to kiss you. You kissed back and kept kissing. Suddenly you feel a drink spill on you and you pull away and turn around. You look to see your ex boyfriend, Zayn standing there with no expression on his face.

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