#66 Something stupid/silly you did together...

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#66 Something stupid/silly you did together...

Niall :

You made a YouTube video of yourselves dancing and lip syncing to Beez In The Trap by Nicki Minaj. It went viral.

Harry :

You went streaking at 3 am.

Liam :

You went on twitcam and prank called a lot of people, including friends and fans.

Zayn :

You found a bunch of cheesy quotes and replaced tone word in each quote with "penis" and tweeted them. 

Louis :

When the paparazzi were following you around on your date, instead of avoiding them, you both stopped in the streets and danced for them. Of course you had to stop the traffic, let 'em through! And you pat the dog and screw the lightbulb.

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