#64 He is drunk/hungover and you take care of him

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#64 He is drunk/hungover and you take care of him

Harry :

You were worrying a lot. It was 4 am and Harry still hasn't come home. You've tried calling but he didn't answer so you send him a text,

"hey babe, where are you? i'm worried. call me." No reply. He was going out with the boys, so you assumed it would be a late night, but it's never this late! And the boys all had an early morning of interviews and press. Suddenly you hear the door open, it had to be Harry. You get up and see Harry gripping the wall as he tried to walk. He said your name, at least you think he did, his speech was terrible.

"Harry, you are so drunk." You laughed a bit. He embraced you in a hug but he put all his body weight on you and you both fell over. You managed to get up and pulled Harry along with you. He leaned on you for support as you walked to the bed. He laid down, but he didn't look so good. You pulled a trash can over and sat Harry up, soon enough he was puking into the trash can. Then he laid back down and passed out. You laid down beside him,

"I love you, (Y/N)." He said the best he could, but it was all slurred.

"I love you too."

Louis :

You flew in to London to see Louis. You'd been planning it for weeks now so you were pretty devastated when you got to Louis' flat and he was completely hungover from the Brit Awards the night before. But you pushed your feelings aside to take care of him.

"I've been throwing up a lot so I wouldn't kiss me." He said when you walked into his bedroom. You kissed him on the forehead to be safe,

"You look terrible." you laughed.

"I feel like shit." You turned the lights off as you left the room. You went to the kitchen and started to make him some soup. While it was cooking you got a him a cup of tea and a bottle of advil.

"You are a life saver." He told you, you left to go to the kitchen and finish the soup. Once it was done you brought it to him,

"Will you lay with me?" He asked. You got beside him in the bed and he pulled you in his arms. You were pretty tired from your flight and you both passed out.

Liam :

You and Liam went out with the boys for a night of celebration because their album had reached number 1! You guys were at some new club Harry raved about, dancing and singing and drinking. You were surprised to see Liam take a beer,

"You'll be okay if you just have one beer, right?" you asked.

"I'll be fine." He smiled and kissed you. He pulled you on the dance floor and you began grinding. After just one drink, Liam really let loose. He was crazy on the dance floor. You saw all the boys together in the VIP section of the club so you and Liam headed over there to see what was going on. They were doing shots and all the boys were already really intoxicated and none of them stopped Liam as he took a couple shots.

"Liam, I think you should stop." You told him, you were pretty in control, just a bit tipsy, but Liam had just done like four shots and it was getting out of hand.

"I'm gonna be fine." Soon Liam was screaming and dancing on tables.

"Liam, lets go." You pulled him away. You left the club and got in a cab to go back to the flat.

"I don't feel so good." He said as he hurled all over the cab. You tipped the cab driver extra for the mess Liam had made and quickly took him inside. Liam could barely walk, he was so wasted. You tucked him in to the bed and gave him a glass of water. Luckily, he didn't seem to be having any medical problems, he was just a typical drunk. You helped him to the bathroom all night when he had to throw up. Finally he stopped puking but he was rather flirty. He kept trying to make out with you and take your clothes off, it made you laugh because it was not typical Liam.

"Liam, you are so drunk, you need to sleep." You rested your head on his shoulder as he fell asleep.

Niall :

It was three in the morning when you got a call from Niall.

"Hi." He simply said.

"Hello, Niall." You said barely awake. He just laughed.

"Niall, are you okay?" You asked.

"(Y/N), I have to tell you a secret," He laughed into the phone.

"I'm a little bit drunk right now."

"I figured." You laughed.

"I need you to pick me up." He told you where he was, well actually he told you he was at a big white building, luckily you knew what club he was talking about. You drove there and picked up your intoxicated boyfriend who laughed the whole car ride home. You helped him walk into the flat. He kept losing control and falling down, and then laughing. You walked down the hallway until you got to your door, Niall started pounding on it.

"Niall, stop, I have the key." You brought him inside and he laid on the couch. He kept rolling off the couch so you had to drag him to your bed. You got him a wet rag and placed it on his head because he was sweating so much. You brought a trash can near the bed in case he puked and then you confiscated his phone because he kept drunk calling people. He was upset with you, but you knew he would thank you in morning when Simon Cowell didn't hear about how Niall thought he was psychic.

Zayn :

You walked into Zayn's flat at four in the afternoon and turned the lights on.

"Ughhhh!" Zayn groaned.

"Are you just waking up?" You asked.

"Turn the lights off." He begged.

"Bad hangover?" You asked shutting the lights off.

"Yeah." He said as he covered his face with a pillow. You made him a cup of coffee and brought him tons of medicine and some crackers.

"Thanks, babe." He told you.

"I hate to tell you this, but you have to get up. Remember, you are doing Alan Carr today." You helped Zayn to his feet and brought him to the shower.

"I need you to come in with me." He told you.

"Yeah right." You laughed.

"Please, I don't think I can stand on my own." He smirked a bit.

"Fine." You smiled. You helped him stand in the shower ;)

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