"What are you doing?" I quickly turn around and start fiddling with my bags.

"This shirt smells weird." He chuckles. "You're a little innocent one, aren't you?"

"Not really, but compared to you? Yes. You fuck everything that has a pulse. For say, that's what a news says."

Zayn chuckles and I hear him walk up behind me. His hands wrap around my waist and I feel his abs against my back. Chills spread throughout my body, and I close my eyes.

"I haven't fucked you." He whispers in my ear, then walks and sits down on the couch, now wearing a blue Beatles shirt. I turn to look at him, and he gives a cheeky smile. I roll my eyes and sit on the other couch.

"So, you wanted to talk?" He breaks the silence.

"Why." Wow I seem to ask why too much.

"Why wh-"

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Zayn. Fucking explain." I look at him in the eyes, and he looks down and back up.

"You really want the truth?"


"You won't tell anyone right?"

"Not like I have the right too." I snap, referring back to him kidnapping me.

He rolls his eyes and puts Both arms on the back of the couch, and folds one leg over the other. He gives out a long sigh.

"After my Mum had passed from a heart attack. And my father had.. Died.." He paused. "I had no where to go. I was alone, in a house with nothing but my dead parents in front of me. I didn't know what to do, so I called the police. I told em' that, my mom had a heart attack, and my dad couldn't take it. So he shot himself." He laughed a little, then his face straightened again and he looked down. "It hurt." He paused again. "It hurt to see my mother, in so much pain over all those years. But I couldn't do anything about it, I was six, I knew what was going on. But I couldn't fucking do anything." A tear streams down his face. And he wipes it away.

"You were only six, you didn't know what to do Zayn?" I try to comfort him. But he ignores my comment.

"The police took me. They dragged me from the scene of my parents dead on the floor. Police lights, sirens everywhere. I cried and cried as they dragged me out of my own house. My last view of my mum was her getting zipped up in a bag. I thought it was my fault." He leaned forward on the couch. "Every other day, I would go to what I thought was a big building. But it was the court house. They would question me. And I would give the same answer. My mum had a heart attack and my dad couldn't handle it, and shot himself. But every fucking day that passed, I knew it was my fault."

"It wasn't."

"It was. I couldn't help my mum. I sat there for 6 years, and watched her get beat. It was going on for 6. Fucking. Years." He looks down and shakes his head. "So my aunt took me in. She lives here in Bradford also. But she was never home, she was always out, 'working'... I knew she wasn't. She was out getting drunk and fucked very night she could. So one night, I took a stroll out on the streets. I was 10 by then. Any way, it was dark out. And I ran into a gang. Well, Liam first."

"The rapist?"

"Uh- yeah sure." He chuckles. "They took me, and made me tell them my story of what happened and why I was the new kid. And of course out of threat, I told them. They took me in, and cared for me. More than my aunt ever did. So I ran away with them."

"You what!? What about your aunt!?"

"She never cared. She didn't even come looking for me."

I looked down and closed my mouth.

"And ever since then, I've been with them." He added.

"So, Liam, Louis, Niall and, Harry?" I shivered saying his name. "They took you in?"

He nodded.

"They just don't seem like the caring type?"

"They used to be good. But now we've got our selves into some deep shit, and everything changed."


"So, what kind of stuff did you guys get into?"

"Another gang moved here. And we can't have that. So we've been in a fight with them for a year or so."

Just then the door bell rings throughout the house. Zayn and I both are startled. And there's a bang on the door.

"Zayn I know you're in there open up!" We hear on the other side of the door.

I know that voice from anywhere.


Taken - Z.MWhere stories live. Discover now