"Stop calling Levi 'the boy'! He's my nephew and you took him away from my family for testing! And now your going to take away my new daughter! I won't let you!"

"You may have no choice, Mark. Levi was struck by lightning too, and given weird qualities, and now your new daughter. I don't think this is something to ignore. You're family really need to stay out of storms," Dr. Louis chuckles.

"This is no laughing matter!" Mark yells. "My daughter just got here, and I'm not letting you take her! It was a mistake to ever let you take Levi! I'd take him back in a heartbeat if I only didn't sign that stupid contract! Now you have Levi locked up who knows where, using him as a lab rat, and expecting my family to be fine with it! Well I'm not! I had promised my sister I would take care of him when she died, but now he's gone! You better not show up at my house to take Noelani or so help me God I will shoot all of you!"

Mark storms out of the room into the hallway, looking flustered.

He smiles at me and Alice slightly, then says, "let's get the hell out of here."

"Mark? Who's Levi?" I ask as they help me walk out of the hospital, since I'm still a little weak.

"Noelani? Where did you hear that name?" Mark asks.

"When you were talking with the doctors." I say.

"You heard all that?" He asks.

"Yah, you were loud."

"Did you hear it Alice?" Mark asks.

"No, just a little at the end. I don't know how she heard it."

We get to the car, and start driving home.

"Noelani, when get home, Alice and I will ask you questions, okay? And be truthful. But don't worry, we won't let anyone take you from us."

I nod. I think I'm going insane. There's so much going on!

I start shaking again, fear trembling throughout my body.

Alice looks at me, and tries to reassure me.

It does little help, and when we get there, I'm so stricken with fear of myself I don't want to move.

Mark just carries me inside and lays me on the couch.

"I'm going to die, I'm a monster, I'm a freak!" 

"Noelani, calm down. You're fine." Alice soothes.

I'm still shaking, so Mark tilts my head and looks me in the eyes.

"Don't worry. You're not insane, okay?"

I nod, gulping down my fear.

"So, ever since you woke up from getting struck, what is different?" Mark asks.

"Well...I..." Then I pause. I can't say it. They won't believe me.

"Go on," Alice encourages me.

I shake my head no. "I can't! You won't believe me!" I cry.

"Noelani, listen. We will believe every single thing you say, okay?" Mark says.

"Okay," I nod. "Well, first, sometimes when I look at someone's eyes, I get a tingling sensation from my spine all the way up to my ears, and I get super hearing, and...I can also...read minds."

"So if I think of something, you can guess it?" Mark asks.

"I think so. Uhm...try thinking of a number, then tell Alice. I'll try to read you're mind." I say. I hope this doesn't work!

Mark whispers to Alice then says, "go ahead."

"Okay..." I state into Mark's blue eyes, then I feel the tingling sensation.


"16?" I ask.

Alice and Mark both nod.

"No! I'm a freak! What's wrong with me!" I cry.

"Noelani! Calm down! It's okay! We can hide this. Just whenever you feel the tingling sensation, remember it's in someone's head. And as for the glowing, you only seem to glow when you're very emotional. So you just have to control them, okay? Just because you have new 'qualities' doesn't mean we don't love you any less." Mark reassures me.

I calm down, and Alice smiles.

"See, now you're not glowing."

"But, I can't tell of I'm glowing!" I say.

"That's okay, just control, and you'll be fine."

"O-Okay." I'm still so scared! What if someone finds out!

"A-Alice? I'm scared someone will find out."

"Don't worry, it will stay in our family, and we won't tell a soul. We'll try to help you control these, and we'll go back to our normal life, okay? Do you want me to bring you upstairs?"

I nod, trying to calm down. Control. Control.

"See! You're already doing great. Now, let's get you to bed."

Alice helps me upstairs and lays me in bed.

"Would you like me to sing to you something my mother would sing to me? It always helped me calm down. I know your 16 but it might help." Alice asks.

"Yes, that would be nice."

"Okay. It's a little modified, but it fits well." Alice starts singing, her voice as sweet as honey, and as smooth as silk.

She strokes my hair and sings, 

"I tell you 'ooh love,' no one's ever gonna hurt you, love. I'm gonna give you all of my love, nobody matters like you.

I tell you 'your life, ain't gonna be nothing like my life, you're gonna grow and have a good life, I'm gonna do what I've got to do.'

So rockabye baby, rockabye, I'm gonna rock you. Rockabye baby, don't you cry, somebody's got you. Rockabye baby, rockabye, I'm gonna rock you. Rockabye baby, don't you cry, Rockabye."

She ends with a sweet note, while strocking my hair.

"Thanks Alice, that helped a lot." I say.

"Goodnight, Noelani. I love you," Alice says, standing up.

"I love you too."


Woh! Doctors getting personal! Will Noelani end up being taken? And will she be able to control her powers? Continue reading to find out! Also, the song above is Rockabye, by Clean Bandit. Listen to it if you don't know how the song goes. I just used it because I think the song is so sweet! So it is not mine, and I do not take credit for it. Remember, please vote, comment, and follow! Love you all!

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