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"I might appear confident and chatty, but I spend most of my time laughing at jokes I don't find funny, saying things I don't really mean - because at the end of the day that's what we're all trying to do: fit in, one way or another, desperately trying to pretend we're all the same."
~Tabitha Suzuma



"I'm sorry ok?! She wanted to go outside!"

"No no no this wasn't for her, this was for your own selfish purposes! And you almost got Raven killed!" Gar and Dick were going at it on the terrace while Vic and Kori were tending to Raven in her bedroom. Gar had already given her CPR (yes that kind of CPR) at the beach. She was relatively ok, but her skin was still a little blue and she was in and out of consciousness from time to time.

"But she's not dead! I saved her! It's not my fault they tried to drown her!"

"But they did anyway. Didn't you say you could defend her? What did you do? Ask them to let her go?"


"Gar if you want to protect her then you need to use more than just assertive language. They don't listen to that. They listen to actions. That's how you get it through their thick sculls that you're not to be messed with. But until then, once they find out Raven isn't dead, they'll try and find her again."

"Getting in the house? They can't do that. They're too stupid."

"Not if they have Terra."


"You're not seeing her." Dick replies forcefully.

"What?! You can't do that Dick c'mon! I'm the only one she really trusts!"

"I don't care Gar. You're a safety hazard to her."

"Dick! You can't do that!"

"I can and I will. Next time actually use your fists." Dick leaves and shuts the door behind him.

"Use my fists?" He gave a long sigh. It's been a while since somebody told him that.

Dick went to check on Raven.

"How is she guys?" Dick asks. Raven turns to him and then looks at the corner next to her. Her eyes are empty and glazed over. Her skin is no longer blue.

"She will not speak to us." Kori says sadly.

"She's been sitting here like that for the last fifteen minutes man. We asked her to stand up and she wouldn't move. We asked her what happened and she wouldn't answer." Vic still has his jersey and his eye black on. It is smudged though.

"I believe she remembered something. That is the face I make when I am deep within thought." Kori thinks aloud. Raven simply looks up at Kori. A small smile flashed across her face for a millisecond, but then disappeared as soon as it appeared. She went back to staring at the corner.

"How do you know? It could have just been the shock."

"You know what I do know? It's that you just don't want to admit that Gar's plan was actually a good plan and that we were wrong to tell him no." Vic smirks.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now