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"A smart person knows how to talk. A wise person knows when to be silent."
~Roy T. Bennett


Everybody was angry with everybody this morning. Except for Garfield. He just stood and watched the horror unfold before him.

It started off with Dick. He couldn't find his homework and claimed Silkie ate it because "he eats everything!". Kori tried to defend her cat, but Dick insisted that it was him. It was an English paper worth a fourth of his grade, so its not like it was completely uncalled for.

He started yelling at Kori, mainly because he was tired and didn't get enough sleep because of the paper. When he's sleepy, he's irritable. He rambled off reasons he knew it was the tabby. Fur on his desk, claw marks, and some left over pieces of paper with teeth marks. That didn't help the situation though.

Vic tried to defend her but ended up getting yelled at too. When Garfield tried to intervene like he usually does in these situations, "Stay out of this Gar!" is all he got.

Vic took the car so Kori and Dick had to walk. Of course they didn't go together. Kori took the long route and Dick took a shorter one. Vic was angry, Kori was hurt, Dick was furious, and Garfield was conflicted.

Whenever arguments like this happen and it's not between all of them, the neutral party is always forced to pick a side. When he gets home he knew that nobody would be talking to eachother and everyone would talk to him trying to vent and calm themselves. Then he'd be forced to choose who is in the right and who is in the wrong, which he wasn't ready for.

These arguments don't happen all the time. Quite rarely actually, but when it does happen it's mainly because someone is either overreacting or just upset at something else. That person is the instigator and is almost always in the wrong.

But he can't tell them that. That would make the situation worse.

He left the house just to get some fresh air and think what he was gonna say.

He doesn't even know the time. Maybe its close to noon. He wouldn't know. His instinct leads him to the park though.

He sits on the bench looks at the box in his hand. He's praying that she likes it because he doesn't know what he'd do if she didn't. There was already so much negativity that was tainting the air. Gar wanted to just get away from it all...

...with a person he hardly knows.

So many flaws with that plan, but it's all he's got.

He sits with himself in silence. Birds chirp around him and people talk and laugh.

Then the bench creaks. Sitting next to him is the mysterious girl from yesterday. Still wearing the indigo hoodie, but now wearing black jeans and ankle boots to match her hoodie.

"Hey." He says

"I didn't think you'd come." He's very surprised at this and sits up, displaying so.

"What? Why?"

"Most people don't like me. So they don't come back."

"I like you. You're really cool."

"What do you like mystery or something? I haven't told you much about myself."

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ