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"Secrets and lies kill relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will get caught. What's done in darkness, always comes to light."


I lied.

I lied to then right from the start. At least partially. Some of the story I told them was true. But a lot was also a lie. This is what actually happened.

2 years ago

I left my mother at the house after that small argument. That much was true. But afterwards I didn't go to the park.

I went to the local cemetery at the edge of town to meditate. It was pretty much abandoned, so I could use my powers freely. I'd take a different route pretty much every day, so nobody could really track me.

I'd float off the ground and chant my mantra to myself whenever I could get out of the house. But that was my 16th birthday, so my magic was especially strong. I had visions of my father and my mother battling in my home, Azerath.

For some reason it scared me. I knew it could never happen. My mother gave up using magic spells. She wasn't very strong to begin with. After all she was only a human.

I must have been causing a lot of problems at the cemetery, because somehow they found me. They had grabbed me by the shoulders and broken me out of the trance-like state I get in when I meditate.

That made me angry. They didn't know it was the day of my birth, so they couldn't have know the mistake they made.

Long story short, I had killed at least three of them in my demon state by simply impaling I them.

I didn't even glance back at the ones running away as I was going after the one I was most angry at. I teleported to my doorstep and opened the door. I locked it when I got inside.

"Oh Raven, back so soon?" She called to me from the kitchen, not knowing what I was.

I went into the kitchen, unlike what most people like me at the time would do, I didn't grab the kitchen knife.

"Raven?" My eyes were red. I stared at her devilishly and angrily at the same time. She knew what was happening, but by the time she did it was too late.

I grabbed her and stared straight into her eyes. That was one of my most powerful attacks. When I do that, I go into your head and your subconscious, and drain you from the inside out.

She went brain dead as she dropped on the floor like a rag doll. And for some reason, I was feeling extra sadistic that day.

I...don't want to go into details. I'm just going to say that there was a lot of blood.

Then my powers were cruel to me as my demon form "deactivated" and I saw what I'd done.

Then the police came in. Somebody had reported very gruesome noises coming from the house.

It was dark by then.

It all happened so fast.

Before I knew it I was in custody. I was questioned. I obviously couldn't tell them what actually happened. They wouldn't believe me.

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