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"If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate."
~C. JoyBell C.


Raven found herself crying in the farthest corner of the beach, using her cloak to wipe her tears.

Her sobs were soft and quiet.

She was completely alone again, but this time, she was sad, and she was crying. Just but half an hour ago she was having fun at the beach with who she thought was her best friend. Or maybe something more? She didn't really know. Just like every other person she ever got close with, they were gone as soon as they entered her life.

She thought her judgment had improved over the years. And she had used it to tell Gar of her power. He didn't freak out...entirely. So if her judgement worked there, how come it didn't work anywhere else with them. She really thought she could trust them.

She thought that they were all so close. How could Dick be so evil to her? She hadn't done anything to him! She was just looking to them for some help. Besides, Gar was the one that brought her home. It's not her fault!

Stop crying Raven! Over a few people who don't mean anything to you. It's pathetic.

She stopped crying. She stood up and walked across the lone part of the beach. It was almost dark now. The sun has almost completely disappeared. And with it, all her trust for people.

She decided that she wouldn't trust anyone. Nobody deserved it. Every time. She thought. Every single time they leave me in one way or another. But I was told to leave this time... Ugh! Quit pitying yourself!

She looks down the beach and sees them trying to clean up their exploded stuff.

"Azerath Metrion Zinthos." Clearly still bitter, she tosses their umbrella into the ocean.

They look around for her, but she's already gone.

She had sank into the sand. She just wanted to leave them with a parting message. She didn't come out of the sand, she simply traveled over there and spoke menacingly. Her voice echoes through their ears as they're frozen in their tracks by her voice.

"I will make all of your lives living hell. I swear it."

Those last three words sent chills down everyone's spines. Even Raven's. She didn't think that she could be so, so scary.

She raised her hand and pulled the remaining beach things under the sand and obliterated them.

"Great." Dick says.

"Dick this is all your fault!" Kori shouts. "Raven was our friend. You do not simply turn on a friend just because they did something bad! What would you do if I accidentally ran a civilian over!"


"It is just an example!"

"And Vic you didn't help!" Gar shouts. The two are seething with anger. That makes three of them. "Why didn't you just keep your mouth shut?!"

"Because I don't want to go to jail Gar! I want to actually have a chance of going to college! Just because you don't want to go means we all have to suffer!"

"Did you not hear what she just said, Dude? For all we know she could be right behind me! She might ruin your chances of graduating now!"

"Don't be ridiculous Gar. She can't do that." As soon as Dick says that Raven thrusts a disk of her magic up from under his feet and he flies up into the air. He lands on the sand hard. Again. "Ok. Nevermind. I'll shut up."

"See? We need to find her and apologize. Ask her to come back. You need to apologize."

"For what? Does it look like she wants to come back?" Vic asks as he helps Dick up.

"She might."

"Gar, I know you liked her. A lot, but you can't let that cloud your vision on reality. She was a bad person."

"That...That's not why I–"

"I don't know why you want her back Kor." Vic states.

"Are you that dumb? I live in a house with 3 males! It was nice to get at least a small bit of femininity in the house!"

"Why are we still arguing? It's obvious we messed up. 'We' meaning collectivley (even though it was your fault she left DICK). If we don't want our lives to be 'a living hell', we need to find her and apologize. Every time somebody tried to help her they died. It's not like we had any chance of dying. The sentence for harboring a fugitive isn't a death sentence. You just made her leave. Before today when do you think the last time she was happy was?" They stay quiet. "Exactly."

"Why don't we just go home? We'll talk about it tomorrow." Dick suggests.

"Sure. You go home. I'm going to stay and find her. You douchbags may not care about her anymore, but I do. Are you coming with me Kor?" She nods.

Half the group walks in one direction, the other half walks in another direction.

Raven decides to follow one group and go to the other later. She rises out of the sand and morphs into the shadows of the buildings as she follows the two.

She wants to see what they'd say behind the other two's backs. See what they're thinking. Get into their heads. Literally.

She was trying to figure out what to do.


So I purposely made this chapter short. The next two chapters might be short too. This chapter was just shy of 1k words, so the others might be around the same just because of the way I had it planned. I just wanted to let all you awesome people know that there is a method to my madness and I didn't just run out of ideas.

Thanks for understanding!


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