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"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
~Marilyn Monroe


"What is the matter friend Garfield?"

"What isn't? Everything is so bad right now. I hate it. Why did he have to make her leave?"

"I do not understand it either. It seemed as if he liked her."

"And Vic! Where did that come from?! He didn't even have a reason! He just 'agreed with Dick'." He said in a mocking tone with air quotes.

"I agree. But we must not loose our heads. In a situation as serious as this it is best to keep calm." Kori says.

She seems to have calmed down a large bit. She seems neutral. Yet Raven knows she's not. She feels the emotions. They're all around her, mixed in with the air. It's almost like she absorbs them like a sponge.

Or perhaps she's the filter...

"You're right Kor. I just...I wanted know? You remember what I told you right?"

"Yes. It is unfortunate things went as they did. But we cannot and could not control what happened. We can control what happens however."

"Well what are we supposed to do? We don't know where she went. And we've been walking around for a while now..."

"We have only searched the edge of the beach. We should try searching other places in town." Kori suggests.

"Maybe we should hit the park."

"Why would we hit the park? That seems mean."

"It means we should go the park."

"Oh." Raven chuckles quietly at Kori's naive and alien comment.

The two get up from the bench and head to the park. Raven leaps down from the fire escape and lands as quietly as she always does, her cloak drags on the ground as she stands up straight. Then she closes it and hovers over the ground like a beautiful apparition.

She uses the dark falling over the city as a cover to follow them in (almost) plain sight.

Garfield stuffs his hands in his pockets. They get to the park and it's dead silent. Not a bird to chirp, nor a car.

"It doesn't look like she's here either. Dammit Raven where did you go?" He clenches his fists.

"Do not worry. I am sure that we will find her. I do not think she would leave."

"You saw her face when Dick told her to go. She looked like she was about to break out in tears. Maybe she really did skip town. Not like there was anywhere for her to go."

He's not wrong. Raven thinks as she hides behind a tree. Contrary to her words earlier, she doesn't want to make their lives a living hell right now, Kori and Gar. Despite how it might look, she knows they had nothing to do with it. It was the other two. And if their feelings were false, she would have sensed it.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now