25. Ashley (Harry)

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Ashley’s eyes slowly peeled apart, letting the bright light coming from the window hit her gradually. She blinked her brown eyes a few times before bringing her hand up to rub her eyes, and then letting them open fully to take in her surroundings.

She quickly recognized that she was not, in fact, in her own bed, in her room, in her house. She didn’t recognize the light blue walls or the gray duvet resting over her. She looked to her left and saw a few doors, and then to her right, where her eyes hit a sleeping boy.

Ashley gasped, sitting up. As she did this, she felt a pounding headache come over her, causing her to flinch a bit. She brought her left hand up to her head to try to stop the aching while propping herself up with her right hand.

“Morning, beautiful” she heard a deep, British voice say. The boy was clearly half awake, you could tell by his voice.

“Umm…” Was all she could get out. “Good morning…” She sort of half asked half said.

“Harry” the boy chuckled. “I’m Harry.”

She turned to look at the boy, and she noticed his brown curly locks first, instantly recognizing him as Harry Styles. She remembered that she was talking to him last night, so there was no initial shock. She wasn’t star struck since she remembered that he was a regular, really nice guy.

And then, she started remembering the rest of last night.

First, arriving to the party with Lilly, her work friend.

“Lilly, where’s Lilly?” Ashley started to panic.

“She went home with Liam” Harry chuckled calmly. Ashley started to get out of Harry’s bed, but Harry quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. “Don’t get up, it’s too early.” Harry said, wrapping his arms around her.

She remembered the feeling of him wrapping his arms around her last night, while playing beer pong. Or was it flip cup? Not important. She remembered meeting Harry at the party, hitting it off instantly with him, and being all over each other all night.

Ashley felt Harry’s warm breath fall on her back, which was covered in nothing but a big t-shirt, which was probably Harry’s. She looked down on it, taking in the giant AC/DC logo.

Huh. Didn’t know Harry was a fan of AC/DC. I guess you learn something new every day, Ashley thought.

She then remembered putting it on last night, after… after what?

Did they do anything? She couldn’t remember.

All this thinking, plus a hangover, was making her brain hurt. Ashley hissed at the feeling of her awful heading while breathing in and brought her hand back up to her head, feeling it practically throbbing.

“Harry do you have any Tylenol or anything? My head’s killing me. Sorry to disturb your sleep.”

“No problem, babe. Before you fell asleep, I prepared for this. There’s a cup of water for you and 2 Tylenol pills for you if you needed them. Also I was scared you were gonna throw up, so there’s a throw up bucket, some crackers, and a new toothbrush for you.” He said, pointing to the nightstand on the other side of the bed.

“Wow, thanks Harry. That was really nice.” She smiled warmly to the somewhat stranger.

“Anything for you, babe.” He said while letting his head hit the pillow again.

What time was it? Ashley checked her clock, seeing that it was 9:02 in the morning. Kind of early… for some people. Normally, including Ashley. But there was no way she’d be able to fall back to sleep.

She took the medicine and then started trying to remember what happened last night.

Ok, she thought. Did we sleep together? No. I would have remembered that. But did we…. She tried to concentrate on her memory. When she couldn’t think any more, she decided to ask Harry.

“Harry” She sort of whispered shyly.

“Yes Ashley?”

“Did we… do anything last night?” She asked, scared for his answer.

“No” he chuckled softly. “Don’t worry. I’m not that kind of guy, the jerk that takes advantage of drunk girls. Do you remember anything that happened last night?”

Ashley sighed in relief. Not that she didn’t want to do anything with Harry, he was GORGEOUS. But she likes to take things slow, and she didn’t want to hook up with someone she had just met.

“Sort of. I remember the start of it, and playing beer pong. And going outside to talk for a while. And I guess… going back inside? And then… what else?”

“And then” he cut in. “You started to feel sick, and tired. You were in no shape to drive, and neither was Lilly, and you started getting more and more drunk by the minute. I couldn’t drive you home, and since Liam and Lilly hit it off so well, they went to his place, which is right around the block. They walked. And I took you back here. If you don’t remember, the apartment where the party was is just up a few floors, we’re in the same building.” Harry said.

“So that’s how you know Trina?” She asked, referring to the party’s super friendly host from last night.

“Right. Do you remember what happened after that?” He started running his long fingers softly through her long brown hair, being as gentle and soothing as he could.

“Hmmm… I remember walking down the stairs, well… almost falling. Thanks for catching me, by the way” She giggled.

“Any time.”

“Alright. And then…. We came in here….. That’s all I can remember.”

“We came in here, you immediately laid down on the bed. I got a t-shirt for you, you kept telling me how hot I was, and we may or may not have made out for a few minutes” he winked. “You're an amazing kisser, by the way. And then we fell asleep. And that’s when I got all that stuff for you, in case you felt sick or needed anything.”

Ashley blushed. “I told you how hot I think you are?”

“All night. But I’m glad you still think that I’m hot, and it wasn’t just the booze talkin’” Harry laughed, which made her blush even more.

“I’m really sorry if I bothered you last night. I know how annoying it is to have to baby sit a drunk girl all night.”

“It’s ok, babe.” Harry laughed some more. “I didn’t mind hanging out with you. It was fun. Before and after the drinks.”

“Good” Ashley smiled.

“So.” Harry sat up. “What do you say, since we’re both awake, we go grab some breakfast? I know a lovely place.”

“Sounds good.”

They both got dressed, Ashley in the clothes she was wearing last night. Once they were ready to go, they walked out the building and down the street, hand in hand, smiles on each of their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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