9. Malak (Harry)

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A/N: SORRY it took so long to get this one done! I was feeling sort of uninspired lately, cuz this one was about Christmas and all, and I normally don't get in the Christmas spirit till after Thanksgiving. But as soon as I started writing this, I was reminded of how excited I am for Christmas :D

Ok, @XxHarrysBabe69xX, I hope you enjoy!! :D


6:59 A.M.

Malak looked over to Harry anxiously, and then rolled her eyes.

Why does he still have to be sleeping? She thought to herself, although he did look beautiful when he slept. His eyes, which were usually big and green and full of life, were now squeezed shut as he tried to block the light from the blinds that Malak had just opened. ‘To let some natural warmth in’, of course. Never to wake a sleeping Harry! She smirked as Harry rolled over and onto his stomach.

“Babe, why’d you do that?” He grumbled.

“It’s cold! The sun is a great warmer-upper!” She giggled back to her adorable boyfriend.

“It’s 6 a.m.”

“It’s 7 a.m. And it’s CHRISTMAS! You needed to wake up anyways!” She tried to hold back her excitement, but clearly failed.

Harry moaned a bit, propping himself up on his left arm and rubbing his eyes with the hand on his right. “Ok, ok. I’m up.”

Malak squealed, running back over to jump on top of her boyfriend. She placed a soft kiss on his lips, which he greeted with a smile.

“Merry Christmas, Harry” She whispered.

“Merry Christmas, babe. Now let’s go down stairs and see what Santa brought!” He said with a wink.

The two laughed as they raced down the stairs of their huge two story London flat. Downstairs, past the long hallway, and to the left, was the living room, which was decorated beautifully with lots and lots of Christmas decorations. To the right of the fire place sat a beautifully large Christmas tree, covered in colorful ornaments and delicious looking candy canes. Under the tree, and all around it, was a massive pile of presents. So massive that it actually took up half of the room.

As soon as Malak saw everything, she gasped. The two had agreed on getting each other only a few presents. She knew Harry would go above and beyond that, so she tried to, also. She got him a few nice shirts, a hoodie (that she could steal and wear all the time while he was away on his upcoming Where We Are tour), a board game that they saw at the store and wanted to play a while back (but never did), an expensive case for his phone, a bottle of cologne, and a wallet, and a watch. All typical gifts girls get for their boyfriends. She spent no more than, maybe $300 on his gifts. She had never expected to see all of these presents surrounding their tree.

“Harry… what did you…” she glanced around the room in shock. “How... where did these all come from?”

He smirked back at her, clearly enjoying her reaction. “I didn’t do anything. Must’ve been Santa!” He giggled, softly at first but then turned into a full round of laughter once he saw the look Malak gave to him.

“Santa?” She raised her eyebrows. “Right. Okay.” They both laughed.

“Well! What are you waiting for! Get to opening!”

The two immediately started opening the gifts. First, Malak opened an iPad, addressed “To: Malak from: Santa”. She had slightly remembered mentioning that she wanted one a long time ago, but forgot all about it.

Next, she opened up some accessories for the iPad. A pink charger, a cute case, some screen protectors, and another case. After that, she opened another gift from “Santa”, which was a pair of Beats headphones.

“Here, you open one now, Haz!” Malak said as she passed a present to Harry. He opened the box filled with shirts, held them up, and smiled widely.

“These will look great in America when we go on tour!” He smiled to her. “Thank you babe.” He kissed her, and then handed another box to her.

She opened it to see that it was filled with an adorable pair of leather boots, just like the type she’d been wanting. She opened about 50 more boxes filled with various clothing items, a bunch of shirts, some amazing heels, a jacket, some cute jeans, etc.

After opening a bunch of gifts from “Santa”, she’d give a box to Harry to open. He’d open it, hold up what was inside, smile and exclaim that he “loved it,” would thank her with a kiss, and then hand her more boxes to open. There were also the occasional presents from Anne or Gemma, or Malak’s family, plus the boys and other various friends. The two continued opening presents until they had finally reached the end of the massive pile. There was one present left, addressed to Malak, but this time it was labeled “from: Harry”.

It was a very large, odd shaped box… thing. Harry had made sure that she opened this one last, since it was the most important.

She shredded the wrapping paper open, tearing the green paper off the box, revealing a huge pink roller board suitcase.

“Oh, it’s… lovely” She smiled to Harry, who had a smug look on his face. “Thank you,” She reached up to pull him into a hug. “For everything. All of these. You didn’t have to get me anything. You’re absolutely wonderful, and I love you forever and always, Harry Styles.”

“Wait… but that’s not it” He grinned back to her. She tilted her head in confusion.

“Open the suitcase”.

She did as told, unzipping the zipper that wrapped around the outside of the luggage. Inside of the suitcase was one backstage pass to a One Direction concert. The first One Direction concert of the tour, to be specific.

“You’re letting me in backstage at your concert?” She asked, head still tilted sideways as a small laugh escaped her lips. “It’s every fans dream come true! Too bad I… won’t even be there” She said as she looked down, about to put two and two together. “Wait… is this suitcase so I can come and visit you on tour??” She looked up at him with eyes full of excitement.

“Not quite…”

She slumped back down, defeated in understanding his gift for the 2nd time. “Then… why the passes? And the suitcase?”

“The suitcase and the passes… Well, they’re so you can come with me on tour.”

Malak looked at him, extremely surprised by what he just said.

“Wait… what? Are you serious?!” her jaw was dropped. She had no words. “Wait… how is that gonna work? What about my job? And how will I fit? You know… on an already packed tour?”

“Babe, you hate your job. I know that and you know that and everyone knows that.” This was true. She did hate her job. “Now, you can travel the world as your job. With us. Keeping us sane. I’ve already talked to everyone I need to. I’m allowed to take you, as long as you help out here and there. When needed. You know, stuff like… clean the bus and make me a sandwich” he jokingly snickered as she rolled her eyes at his comment. “Seriously, baby. I want you to come on tour with me. I can’t leave you here, I need you with me.” He grabbed her hand and looked her in her brown eyes as he asked, “Will you come on tour with me?”

“Yes! Of course! I can’t believe it! Thank you, Harry!” She jumped up, embracing her boyfriend in a very long hug.

“Good” he brought his loud voice back to a whisper. “Cuz I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said, still wrapped up in his arms. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

“Merry Christmas, Malak.”


Yaaaaay now I'm in the Christmas spirit! Now all I'm missing is a boyfriend.....





..... named Harry Styles.

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