12. Rachel (Michael)

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A/N: Yaaay another one done :) This one reminded me of the song The Last Time by Taylor Swift and Gary from Snow Patrol (idr his last name) so yeah it's a pretty good soundtrack to this one shot. Haha ok enjoy (: @already_t0rn

p.s. sorry for all the bad words


There it was, the knock at the door that Rachel had been waiting for. Three knocks, a pause, and two more knocks. She had heard this signature knock a hundred times before, but it was different this time. It could be the last time she heard that knock.

Rachel walked over to the mirror where she quickly fixed her red hair that was piled into a bun, and made sure nobody could see that her makeup was smeared from crying. Her blue green eyes were normally framed by eyeliner and mascara, but she had cried almost all of it off earlier. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and quickly walked over to the door.

Just as she suspected, Michael was in the doorway, hands in his pockets and blank expression on his face as he looked down.

“Come in” Rachel whispered as she walked into the living room, not even waiting for him to follow.

Michael did as told, closing the door and walking over to the couch that Rachel just plumped herself down on.

“Will you please tell me what I did this time?” He asked, sounding angrier than he intended.

“You know what you did, Michael.”

“No Rach, honestly I don’t. If I did, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“Oh cool so you don’t even want to see me? Is that what you’re saying? If you didn’t have to be here, you wouldn’t. That’s lovely. Glad I mean something to you.” She spat out.

“No I didn’t mean it like that. How have you managed to twist my words around within 30 seconds of me being here?”

“Whatever Michael. Do you honestly not know why you’re here? Do you honestly not know why I’m mad at you? You can’t use your brain to figure it out? It ain’t rocket science.”

“Well if you would TELL ME, it would be a whole lot easier to figure it out.”

“So… there isn’t a real reason, then? You don’t even have an excuse as to why you’ve been avoiding me?”

“What are you talking about? I haven’t been avoiding you, that’s crazy babe.”

“DON’T call me babe. Alright if you don’t like me, I get it. If you don’t want to talk to me, or you need your space, I get it. But don’t IGNORE ME Michael.”

“I haven’t been ignoring you!”

“Oh really? So… what, are you just gonna use that dumbass excuse that you ‘didn’t get my texts’? Or was it that… your ‘phone stopped working’? Cuz I know that neither of them are true. Don’t freaking lie to me Michael.”

“No, I’m not lying. I didn’t say that cuz that’s not true. But I wasn’t ignoring you!”

“Really? Cuz… when I texted you three days ago, asking to come out to dinner with my brother and me, and you read my text but just didn’t answer… that wasn’t ignoring me? Cuz that’s what I’d call it.”

“I was busy! I had band practice!”

“Well then you could have SAID SO.”

“You already know my practice schedule, Rach. I shouldn’t have to remind you!”

 “No, I shouldn’t have to remind YOU to answer my damn texts.”

“I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal! So what!” Michael got more defensive as he stood up, voice rising in anger.

“So what? You’ve barely said three words to me at all in the past week! I’m your GIRLFRIEND! It’s not that hard to take 30 seconds out of your day to send a text saying ‘hey, really busy but just wanted to say hi and I’m not forgetting about you!’ But nope. You couldn’t even do that?”

“I’m not forgetting about you! That’s bullshit!” To make his point at how unhappy he was, he picked up the nearest object to him, which was the TV remote, and slammed it down on the table. “God dammit Rach. You never notice any of the good things I do for you. But I miss ONE text, and suddenly I’m the world’s worst boyfriend?”

“It wasn’t one text, Michael. You’ve been avoiding me for a freaking WEEK. How do you think that make me feel? Every time I see my friends, I always hear ‘Oh, how’s Michael, Rachel?’ ‘Hey how’s your boyfriend?’ ‘Hey where’s Michael?’ ‘Where’s your boyfriend?’ And I have to tell them I don’t even know, cuz I haven’t talked to my boyfriend in NINE DAYS.”

“I’M GETTING BUSY, OK?” His voice was raised so much that he thought he might lose his voice if he kept this argument going. “I have band stuff. Do you not get that?”

“So, what, do you not have time for me?” She paused, waiting for his answer.

“I don’t know, Rach. I don’t know.” He turned around, rubbing his forehead.

“Fine…..” She brought her voice down to the faintest whisper. “Leave. If you don’t want me, leave.”

Michael turned back around to look at her, but all he saw was a clump of a girl sitting in the corner of her couch with her knees to her chest and her back hunched over so her face was in the space between her chest and knees. He noticed that she was silently sobbing, trying not to show him her emotions. His heart instantly broke at that sight, at the thought of her being like this because of him.

“Go” she whispered again. He could hear the fear in her voice, the hurt and anger she was trying to hide.

Michael, not knowing what to do, walked over to her. She reached her arm out to push him away, but he grabbed her arm and slowly brought it back to her side as he whispered to her, “no”.

She looked up at him, eyes full of confusion and tears. His green eyes met hers and he sat next to her, wrapping his long arms around her whole body, which was still in fetal position. “I’m not leaving” he said, voice still in a soft, protective whisper. “I’m never leaving.”

“You don’t want me, Michael. I get it. I’ll be ok, don’t worry about me.” Rachel said looking down at her lap.

“You’re absolutely mental if you think that I don’t want you.”

“But you’re too busy for me….”

“I’ve been acting like a dick lately, yes. I see that… and I’m sorry. I’m not too busy for you, I could never be too busy for you.”

“Michael, I-“ She started but again was cut off by the boy.

“No. I get it. You may hate me, and I understand. But please, please don’t make me go. I couldn’t live with myself if I lost you. You’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m so… so sorry.” Michaels whisper was more panic struck as he started realizing how much he messed up. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. This is the last time, I won’t hurt you anymore. Please, please forgive me.”

He wrapped his hands around Rachel’s as he waited for a response.

“Michael….” She looked into his eyes while searching for the right words to say. She let out a long sigh. “Of course I forgive you. Idiot.”

She rolled her eyes and then pulled her boyfriend into a tight embrace. Just like he promised, he didn’t let go.

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