3. Amatullah (Zayn)

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@AmatullahS sorry it took so long! But I got it done :) So.. here it is. I really hope you like it! To be completely honest, I based this one off of something that I went through at the end of this summer, since you said you wanted one about a pregnancy scare, and I knew exactly the feelings that came with that, lol. So since I could relate so much (all of this happened to me except it wasn't Zayn and the guy wasn't on tour, just living in a different state haha.. but also the very end didn't happen to me. but idc I'm holding out for Harry Styles anywas... hahahah) anyways I hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it :) thank you for requesting!!


You are my one and only, and you can wrap your fingers around my thumb and hold me tight. Amatullah whispered, rubbing her belly softly. You’re just a small bump, I know, you’ll grow into your skin. With a smile like his and a dimple beneath your chin.

It had been two months since she’d talked to Zayn. A little over two months since he left for his world tour on June 14th. 


On June 5th, she had givin her virginity to him. It may not have been the smartest idea, she knew. She was young. He was about to go on tour while she was stuck there in Puerto Rico. Who knew what would happen between them when he left. All she knew on that night was that she loved him, and wanted to give him everything she had. And so she did.

He had arranged for the night to be very special, placing candles around her bed and rose pedals sprinkled across the floor. It happened just like you’d see in the movies, starting off with a passionate kiss and leading to… well… sex. They were as careful as you could be, she made him wear a condom and pull out way before, just to be safe. After everything that night, she laid awake in his arms while he was fast asleep, listening to the beat of his heart.

She said goodbye to him at the airport, fighting the tears in her eyes. She didn’t want for him to see her crying, even though everyone knew how heartbroken Amatullah was to see her love leave for a world tour. He promised to stay in touch, calling her every day, face timing whenever possible.

For the first week or so, he kept his promise. But as things went on, it got harder for Zayn to speak to her whenever she pleased. He was busy with shows, interviews, and just goofing around with the boys. When he wasn’t working, he was sleeping.

Amatullah felt him slipping away. Her heart was shattered. She was never the kind of girl to beg someone to stay. So she didn’t. She didn’t call him one night, screaming at him. She didn’t accuse him of cheating on her, or tell him that she knew he only used her for sex and then ditched. As much as she wanted to, she didn’t say anything. She knew it was no good, that there was nothing she could do. If he wanted to talk to her, he would. If he wanted to call, he would. But he didn’t. He was gone. And it broke her heart in two.

She spent the next month trying to forget about him, trying to put herself back together. Her friends had made sure that she was constantly distracted, never giving her time to whine about Zayn. It’s not that they didn’t want to listen, they did. They just hated seeing their best friend so hurt.

When August came around, Amatullah was finally convinced that she was over him. She was ready to move on. School was about to start, and she was ready to be a new person.

The morning of the first day was just like any other first day. She woke up, ate the breakfast her mom made her, and then went to get ready for the day. While she was in the bathroom, she felt a wave of nausea. She figured it was just pre-school nausea. Totally normal. Also, she was expecting her period soon. It was supposed to come about a week ago, but she had always been irregular, so she didn’t think anything of it. She just assumed that nausea was coming in place of cramps, which had happened before to her.

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