6. Shania (Calum)

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A/N: (And this is importante!) OK SO I know you just requested a one shot and I had a few ideas so I started writing but somehow my imagination took off and it kinda turned into a short story whoops ;) but I just had so much for this and I figured why not? And so I really hope you enjoy cuz this one took me a while but I had so much fun writing this one! Itz kewl. I lyke dis wun.

Ok so @raiindrops (who, btw, you should all go follow!) You requested for a one shot about sightseeing and it being all romantic, and my first thought was, what better place to sight see than New York City? And that instantly made me think of the song Holy Ground by Taylor Swift (I’ll put the song over there >>>)

So yeah at first I was just slightly going off that, but then I decided to let that be my main inspiration so if you know that song it may make this a whole lot better cuz.. I referenced it quite a few times. lol.

 So I hope you enjoy! :D Side note... It switches P.O.V. from 3rd person omniscient to 1st person, just to be able to better understand the story. It switches when the flashback starts, and then it'll switch back when the flashback is over. So yeah. Hope that doesn’t get confusing J ENJOY!


Shania sat at the little coffee house on the end of 2nd street, drinking her Cinnamon Dolce latte all alone at the back table of this familiar little place in West Manhattan. She’d come here on a semi regular basis, enough to have tried almost everything on the menu. She liked to come here and think about everything and anything.

Today, there was one thing on her mind. Memories that had been haunting her brain since three days ago. Three days ago was officially the two year mark for the day she had met her now ex-boyfriend, Calum. Two years (and three days) ago, she had started an adventure without even knowing it. Her life would forever be changed.

About two years and two months ago, Shania moved to New York, got her own apartment in the big apple, and started her dream job here in this beautiful city. The first two months were crazy, but in that calm sort of way. She was getting used to it, but it wasn’t bad having to get used to your dream job. She had moved in on August 17th, and by mid-October, she was finally all settled in and used to everything going the way it was. That is, until October 22nd, the day she met Calum.

Shania closed her eyes while taking a sip of her warm drink, letting the flashback flow through her mind.


I grabbed my gray converse and put them on quickly, they perfectly matched my gray sweater. I fixed my plain skinny jeans so the hole sat correctly on my lower left thigh, showing a little bit of my skin. I pushed a strand of my curly, dark brown hair behind my ear and left the rest to hang loosely over my back. I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed out the door.

Today was my first real day off, and it was my plan to use it for myself and enjoy every second of it. I skipped down to the little coffee house at the end of my street, deciding to finally try it out. I walked in and, after staring at the menu for a good five minutes, decided on a Cinnamon dolce latte. I got my drink and walked over to find a seat at a table. Since it was a Saturday, it was busy. Really busy. Not surprisingly, all of the tables were full. I walked around the small space, making sure I wasn’t blind and missing an open table, but still couldn’t find one and decided I should just take my coffee to go. That was, until a voice from behind stopped me.

“No one’s sitting here, across from me. You can join me, I don’t mind.” The stranger said softly.

I turned around to meet the kind person who offered me a seat, and man… was he beautiful. I know guys typically aren’t beautiful, but this boy was. He had dark hair that sat messily on his head, but in a rather cute way. His smile was warm and genuine. Like he honestly wanted me to sit with him.

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