Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Holy moly, it's freezing!" I say, using my other hand to rub my arm, pretending it's doing something to help warm me up.

"Watch your step, princess," Clyde whispered into my ear, causing more goosebumps to appear on my skin.

It felt like we were walking closer to the cold, but closer to light, too.

"Okay. I'm going to take off your blindfold now."

And he did.

And I gasped.

In front of me was the east river, with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background.

In front of the east river was a picnic table with a candlelight dinner.

"Do you like it?" Clyde asked nervously.

"Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?" I shouted, pausing for dramatic effect. "I LOVE IT!"

Clyde let out a breath of relief and guided me over to the picnic table, where he sat me down and poured both him and I a glass of iced tea.

Ripping the wrap that was protecting our food from the air, he dished me a plate of cheesy looking pasta and then himself some.

"Mmmm," I moaned, after taking a bite.

"I know, right? It's the best," he says, taking two bites for himself.

We talked and laughed while we ate, our conversation never getting dull. When it was time for dessert, Clyde started to sweat and get red-faced.

"Are you having an allergic reaction?" I ask him, worriedly.

"Nah, I'm just hot," he said, smirking at his own pun.

Raising an eyebrow, I wrap the coat he lent me more tightly around my body, as wind was picking up and it was starting to get colder.

Ignoring the gesture, Clyde revealed the dessert and dished me out a plate, denying himself a piece.

"How is this cake so much better than the pasta?" I ask, surprised and delighted with the taste my tastebuds were experiencing.

"Wealth buys you nice food, darling," He replied, itching at his wrists.

"You sure you're okay?" I ask again, this time skeptically.

"Positive," he instantly replies back.

I finish my cake, and after 2 attempts, stand up from the picnic table to admire the view.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I ask.

"Not as beautiful as you," he replies.

In the midst of a laugh, I turn around to tease him about his cheesy reply and stop short, mouth open.

"Wha-" I start, before realizing what was about to happen and covering my mouth, tears in my eyes.

On his knees, bending down in front of me, was Clyde holding a red ring box.

"Stila Banks. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Although what brought us together was an accident, I am certain it was an accident provided by faith. Over the course of watching an amazing life grow inside of you, of becoming a parent with you, and sharing my house with you, I have grown so in love with you I can't imagine not ever having you in my life. You are the the apple to my pie, the straw to my berry, and definitely the one who I want to marry. Will you do me the honors, and become my spoiled wife?"

'OhmygoshOhmygosh," I mumble, tears running down my face.

"Is that a yes?"

"OF COURSE ITS A YES! OHMYGOSHICAN'TBELIEVETHISJUSTHAPPENED!" I cry out, jumbling my words together in a way he couldn't possibly understand them.

Smiling in relief, joy, and happiness, he takes my hand and slips a simple but elegant diamond ring onto my finger.

"You know me so well," I sob, looking at the ring and then crying into his shoulder.

Instead of buying me the ring all of his colleague's wives get, he bought me a ring that actually suits me. A ring that would overtake my finger.

"I love you so much, Stila Banks. And I will spend the rest of my life proving it."


I cried. Stila's growing up and this song just made it so real. And also we're really close to the ending RIP

SORRY FOR GOING MIA I decided to take a break after the SATS and apparently breaks last 20 days. Thanks for sticking with me and with this story! I hope its worth it :)


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XOXO, Cooler_Than_You_101

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