Chapter Fifteen

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He was already at home when Arthit returned.

"How was the Gala P' Arthit?"

"It was boring.  You know how much I hate those functions," Arthit said taking his shirt off.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't go with you."

"That's alright. I know you were busy.  Anyway, I met Knott at the Gala."

Oh no!  Not him!  Kongpob felt a slight panic.

"P' Knott?"

"Yes... he works for another company.  He even won the employee of the year award."

"Oh... how is he?"

"He is doing great actually.  He's married to Fang, from the medical team during your hazing.  Do you remember her?"

"Yes, I do!  Oh wow, I never thought they'd end up as a couple."

"Me neither, they have a beautiful little girl."

"That's amazing!"

"Yeah... Fang said she will invite us for dinner."

"Sure, it will be nice to see them.  P' Arthit?  Are you alright? 

"I am... just a little tired that's all."

"Take a shower and get some rest.  I have some reports to go through for the shareholders meeting.  So don't stay awake for me."

Kongpob sat in his office room.


It's a name he hadn't heard in years.



Arthit seemed to be stressed over Knott's cold shoulder.  Kongpob was starting to feel antsy.  He knew why Knott was behaving this way.  But the more he saw how sad Arthit was, the more he panicked.  Did Arthit like Knott other than a friend?

No... there is no way Arthit liked Knott.  If he did, he wouldn't choose me, he thought.  What did Knott want from Arthit?  What was he trying to gain by this?  Knott knew they were in a relationship now.  His mind was restless.

One day he found Knott walking out of the men's room by himself.

"Sawadee khrap P' Knott?  Can I have a word with you please?"

"Sawadee N' Kongpob.  What is it?"

"It's about P' Arthit."

"Umm... what about him?" Knott asked.

"P' Knott... I really don't want to say this since you have been nothing but kind to me.  But I know how you feel about P' Arthit."

"What do you mean?" Knott asked angrily.

"P'... it's obvious you like him."

"N' Kongpob!"

"P' Knott... please hear me out... for P' Arthit's sake."

Knott's expression was hostile, but Kongpob didn't back away.

"Your silence is affecting P' Arthit a lot.  I know you are heartbroken P' Knott.  But this is affecting our relationship too.  P' Arthit loves me,  I'm aware of that.  He thinks of you only as a friend.  I'm worried, the way you treat him now will confuse him.  Please P'... he just opened up to me.  I don't know what you are expecting from this.  Leave us alone... we are so happy together."

SOTUS : Two worldsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz