Chapter One

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Arthit was still angry, Knott understood why.  Arthit's pride was hurt.  

Even Knott was mad at the freshman who challenged Arthit saying he will make Arthit his wife.  Young people these days had no respect for their seniors.  But he can't complain, can he?  Knott had screamed at P' Tum in his first year, he had come a long way since then.  He now knew how to control his temper and looked at things from a different perspective.  Even Arthit had changed since the freshman days.  He used to be calmer and patient, being the head hazer had taken a toll on him.  Arthit loses his temper more often than before.  Knott felt bad for Arthit.  P' Tum had forced this on him.

In their little gang, Knott was closer to Arthit than to others.  Maybe because they had ended up as roommates since their second year.  

Knott had seen Arthit in all his forms.  He could even recognize Arthit's underwear anywhere.  They were friends before they became roommates.  But it was hard to get used to living with each other.  Arthit was noisy while Knott liked peace and quiet.  They were both messy tenants, so thankfully that wasn't a problem.  In the morning Knott always had to wake up first because Arthit wasn't a morning person and they had the same classes.  Even he didn't want to wake up early, but Arthit somehow managed to get him to do it.

Just like Arthit, Knott didn't have any siblings.  So he was used to being alone.  But now they were both always together no matter what the situation was.  Arthit always trusted him with whatever bothered him.

Arthit was pacing inside the room angrily mumbling to himself.

"Ai Arthit, will you calm down?  I am trying to focus here."

"Can you believe that son of a bitch?  Make me his wife... huh why didn't you let me smack on the face?"

Knott sighed loudly, "Because you would have gotten in trouble and guess who will end up having to save your ass?"

"Yeah but... I still want to go back and hit him."

"Well he can't make you his wife, can he?"

"What?  NO!"

"Then I don't see why you are so worked up about this."

"You are right... I'm exhausted... will you cook for me?"

"It's your turn to cook, hurry up... I'm hungry," Arthit replied.

"Please?  Just for today?  Look at these lines on my forehead!"

"Ugh... you can't keep manipulating me into being your servant Ai Arthit!"  But he rose from his seat anyway.  Arthit did have a rough day.

"See Knott, this is why I love you, and you are my best friend."

Knott made a gagging motion, Arthit was worse than Bright sometimes.



When Arthit found out he was going to have a roommate, he got worried.  But when it ended up being Knott, he was more than relieved.  

Knott was the first friend he made at university.  Now Knott was different than the person he used to be.  At first, Arthit wasn't sure of his choice of friends when he saw how easily Knott could get upset.  But he later found out that inside that angry, hostile exterior was a kind and empathetic person.  Knott could easily be persuaded.  Arthit only had to show how tired or hurt he was, and Knott would go out of his way to help.  Sometimes Arthit felt Knott was more like a mother to him than a friend.

The school year had just started, and he already hated it.  He was swamped with responsibilities.  Also, a cocky freshman was ruining his life.  Arthit had almost punched him if he hadn't felt Knott's hand on his shoulder bringing him back to his senses, he would have.  Knott really did keep him in check.  

It was funny how their roles were reversed now.  Two years ago it was him holding Knott back.  Arthit didn't know how he had changed so much.  His temper was ridiculous.  Arthit was lucky to have Knott watching his back.

Knott was cooking for both of them.  Athit didn't even have to try hard this time, He knew Knott would just agree to do it after the day's events.  Arthit smirked to himself, he was shameless, but it didn't matter.  Knott's food was so much better than his anyway.

Arthit never really understood why Knott was still single.  As for him, he was still thinking about his best friend from high school, Namtarn.  But as far as he knew Knott wasn't interested in anyone.  He was surprised as to why there weren't any girls lining up asking Knott to court them.

Was Knott secretly in love with someone and didn't tell him?  If Knott did have someone in mind, he would definitely be his wingman and help him out!  But then again if Knott did find someone special that meant Knott would pay attention to them!  No, he can't let that happen just yet.  Arthit would be so lonely without Knott.  He was used to having Knott by his side so much that Arthit doubted if he could go back to living alone.

Arthit's mind drifted to the tall, handsome freshman again.  He had to give some credit to the boy.  He did have the guts to publicly challenge him, the head hazer of all people.  Maybe it was because he made the kid scream he liked men in front of the entire cafeteria.  Arthit did admit it had been a little over the top.  But he was irritated at the moment for how much attention 0062 was getting.  Arthit had every right to punish the kid for being smart with him, right?

Arthit turned up the volume of the music he was listening to on speakers.  Knott turned away from the rice cooker and looked at him, with his eyebrow raised.

"Why do you get to relax while I'm here cooking?  This is not fair Arthit, I don't know why I tolerate you!"

"Because you are a good man and you love me?"

"Fuck off..."

Arthit made a sad face with his puppy dog eyes.  "I will buy you espresso for the next two days.  How does that sound?"

"Make that a week."

"Five days?"

"Fine... it's a deal."

"Can you wash my workshop shirt when you wash yours?"

"Do you wish to die in your sleep?"

"Ok... ok... I was just kidding Khun Knott... I was stretching my luck."

"I will stretch your neck if you keep asking me to do your chores."

"Since when are you so violent?"

"Since you became my roommate and started using me as your slave."

"Well let's say, I owe you one.  You can ask anything of me, and I will do it."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Arthit."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing... what if I ask you to strip in front of the freshmen?"

"You wouldn't do that!"

"Try me!"

"I would still do it if it makes my buddy happy."

"You sure know how to sweet-talk me, don't you?  Keep trying."

"Well, it's a promise anyway."

He couldn't read Knott's expression.  Knott wouldn't really ask him to strip, would he?


A/ N - When the queen rearthit makes a request you can't say no... please don't hate me!!

I know I give in to peer pressure, but this isn't going to be updated daily! So get out of my lawn...

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