"You can help yourself," Lucy said, "This is all complementary."

I leaned forward and got the wipes out. My makeup from last night had smeared. I greedily wiped it off, applied some chap stick to my lips. The brush I clumsily ran through my hair didn't help, and I groaned.

This would take forever to get out. Lucy let out a small laughed, and walked over to help. She sprayed some water into my hair, and gently started to comb through it. I sat, stiff backed, and studying her through the mirror.

She wasn't old, nor young. I would estimate around 35. Her face was warmer now that I'd decided to cooperate. However, as she dragged me out of my cell, she didn't seem to have the friendliest face.

She slowly worked her way through the knots, since apparently having multiple make out sessions and getting kidnapped can have an impact on what your hair does. I frowned as she stroked my hair.. lovingly?

"There you go,"

She stepped away, and allowed me to do whatever else I pleased to do. I looked through the supplies and decided I wanted to add some eye makeup considering I looked like a dead rat, and the role I was playing was someone who was.. extra.

I gave myself  a sharp long wing of eyeliner, and a couple coats of the generic mascara they had. It wasn't as though I felt I needed to impress someone, but I assumed that presentation was a large part of fitting in here.

I knew that the moment I left this room, I would have to become someone else. I couldn't be the Mia I had been around the Millers or Jake, instead I had to be the Mia I used to be. Mia, who was rebellious, fearless, and stupidly sarcastic.

I checked my appearance in the mirror, smirking at the thought of the boys seeing me like this. It made my heart wince, and the smirk fell away. I had to get out of this, because fucks sake it was a cliffhanger in my life not knowing what Carson is going to say.

"Are you ready?"

I looked over at Lucy. I gave her one firm nod, and walked over to her. I peered into her eyes, and I noticed for the first time that she had a tattoo on the underside of her neck, right under her jawline.

She slid her hand over the wall once more, and a panel slid open again. There were fine leather jackets, and my inner badass called to me. Lucy handed me one, and I realized I was maybe having a little too much fun being kidnapped.

As I slid my arms into the jacket, Lucy slid into the closet, and pushed the rack on the ground. "Oh, I'm such a clutz.. Mia, will you help me?"

I gave her a crazy looked, but slid onto the floor.

"Listen, I know you are worried, and I know your Dad is here. I know you've been talking to Louis, he's my.. well it's not important right now, but he's important to me. He says he trusts you, and I'm betting everything you are going to attempt to work your way up through the ranks in order to get out of here." I offered her a wary smile. "I can't help you too much, but when you get sent to control, just ask for Deangelo."

I cocked my head to the side. "Why should I trust you?"

Lucy grabbed the shelf, "Because you have no one else,"

I nodded my head, saying fair enough.

She gave me one more smile before stepping out of the closet. Up close, she seemed a lot older than I'd originally guessed. Maybe early forties, about as old as my mo-

"Shit," I breathed, my eyes getting wider.

Lucy glanced at me, startled, and I suppose she saw the revelation in my eyes, because she gave me a look that suggested I better keep quiet.

I sealed my lips as she led me out of the room, and down a dark hallway. I masked my face into a face of utter boredom. Wouldn't want anyone to know I was petrified, right? 

She led me into a room, with high ceilings.  The walls were an ugly yellow color, and there was a desk sitting in the middle with two chairs. One behind, and one in front. Lucy waved a hand down in front to sit in the chair in front. I slowly slid down, my eyes scanning over the papers sitting on it.

My spine locked up as I noticed they not only had photos of me, but photos of everything. My house, my friends, Col and I kissing, Carson and I touching and looking, pictures of the triplets at school, and even pictures of some people from my old town.

It was in the back of my mind, something was missing. They didn't have something. It was something important, but I could not even think of it, well not until the person I had been thinking of sat down in front of me.

I hadn't seen them in months, and this was not the way I pictured seeing her again. Sitting in front of me, hands folded, a fancy dress, with a nametag  attacked to the shoulder.

She flipped through the packet, raising eyebrows at some things, lightly smiling at others. Hot warm tears rushed to my eyes as I put the pieces together.




Ok guys, its been quite awhile and I apologize, and I am also sorry for this update being short. The rest of this book should be wrapped up within the next few weeks, which makes me sad, but I'm also very excited to be showing you guys what I've been working on while working on this.

This book is the first book in a duology, and I will be writing a book in between this one and the second one, just for me to get my things in order, and to edit this one, and sort out the plot I wanted for the next one. The book has changed course, but this was my original plan, it just took a longer amount of time to get there, than I had planned.

So once again, as always, thx for reading

    xox han


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