I supported the look of the brown by displaying a corresponding smile by simple kindness before deciding to take the first step.

I could see Chris's smile widen as he peeled off of the wall with the intention of joining me halfway only my own smile soon diminished as he was suddenly attacked by a brunette all too familiar to me.

I turned away almost instantly as Iben began to suck his lips shamelessly. I cursed under my breath for having forgotten such an important fact before biting on my lower lip asking me where it came from.

My defeated expression did not go unnoticed in Noora's eyes as the blonde leaned suddenly toward me as a sign of interrogation. "What has just happened?"

"Nothing. "

"It didn't look like nothing from my point of view." Noora defended with a sharp look making me give her a grimace knowingly.

I was torturing myself more by throwing a new look over my shoulder just to make eye contact with Chris always in the process of mouth-to-mouth with Iben.

A frown soon appeared on my face before I turned to Noora, shaking my head."I need a break. "
She did not even have time to say anything as I passed her before I plowed my way through the crowd of teenagers.

I soon walked past William rolling my eyes getting more and more bored as I spotted him in a similar position as his best friend before shaking my head once I found myself in the kitchen.

I sighed heavily as I headed toward the wide gray metallic refrigerator.

I was using a bottle of water by turning the cork just to turn around to the chord in a familiar voice. "You seem to have fun. "

" You too." I replied coldly, taking a sip from my bottle of water before giving him a flat look. "I see that you have kept your word. You broke the heart of Vilde. "

William immediately gave me a flat look visibly annoyed by my cold attitude towards him before he folded his lips. " We misunderstood each other. "

I frowned away from my gaze before clenching my jaw as I made a new visual contact with the tall brown with impassivity. " Obviously. "

I gave a last look at the brown man trying to get away only that was not counting on William's intervention as he took my wrist to hold me back. "I was talking about Vilde. Not you and me."

" What is the difference ?" I replied immediately with an incredulous frown before suddenly feeling a body hit me aside.

"Céleste ! I think we lost Eva. " Exclaimed Noora, resting on my breathless shoulders, making me look between her and William before deciding to concentrate solely on the blonde.

I raised an eyebrow as a question mark before squeezing my lips into worry. " What do you mean ? "

"I think she went to discuss with Ingrid and I did not see her again." Explained Noora with a frown similar to mine causing me to shake my head.

"I'll go upstairs."

Noora nodded her head, signing that she would stay around and I tried to leave the kitchen without looking back at me since I knew that William was still there.

I swerved to the left, taking the steps four to four before stopping at the beginning of the long corridor adorning the door. I was biting on my lower lip trying to guess in which Eva might be before deciding to try each one of her.

The first one was closed and the next one... yeah, so to say it was embarrassing.

However, a hand on my shoulder soon made me suddenly turn around in a start just to come face to face again with William in trouble this time.

"I don't have time for that. I have to find Eva. "

"We're not done talking. "

I let out a long sigh by pinching the bridge of my nose in impatience before raising my head on the brown. " What do you want ? That I forgive you for being a bad person ? Fine, you're forgiven, William. Now- »

"Wait ! "Suddenly interrupted William, taking my hand in his with a slight frown before looking in the direction of the door behind me. "Did you hear that?"

I quickly copied his frown before turning to the door just to hear moans.

I immediately took a step forward, prompting William to call me as a warning sign only it was too late as I opened the door just to freeze at sight in front of me.

Eva widened her eyes by suddenly detaching herself from Chris at the sight of William and I forcing the brown to turn around suddenly with such a wide glance.

"Oh my god, Celeste! That's not what you think !" Called Eva rising from a good panicked making me look between the trio around me.

I shook my head immediately on each of them before crossing my arms on my chest. "Is it so difficult to be respectable people for you? "

I let out a weary sigh before pushing my way around William before descending the multitudes of steps by passing Iben on my way. The brunette gave me a dark look just making me lower my eyes before pressing the step down the party.

I did not even listen to Noora as I flew through the bodies to make a quick exit before getting into my car as fast as possible.

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now