Chapter 1

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A/N: Cazey

I enter the school building. My junior year of high school. Gosh I can't wait to be out of here. People always say I'm gonna miss it when I'm out. They have no idea what they're talking about. I'm not gonna miss this place. I hate it. I hate it with every bone in my body. If bombing the school was legal. I would, like what even is the point of making kids go to school for 12 years. Just to send them back to school for however long. That is if you plan to go to college. Which sadly enough I plan to. I have the grades for it. So I can get great scholarships.  I also save up money from my jobs. So I can pay for it... Hopefully.

Im at my locker right now. It takes me a few minutes to process everything. So right now I'm just standing in front of my locker. I'm caught up in a day dream. In my day dream. I'm at home sleeping. Oh, how I miss my bed.

"Uh... Cazey?"

I snap out of my daydream. Looking at my best friend Opal.


"Caught up in your daydream again?"

I smile and nod. "If only it was real."

"We all wish it was real..."

I stare in my locker. Opal is a cheerleader, but hates the cheerleaders. She loves cheer leading though. Shes also my best and one od my only friend.

She looks around. "Why is the school bad boy looking over here?" she looks at me. "If he thinks he has a chance with any of us. He's so wrong."

"He's not bad looking." I mumble.

Trying to remember what class I have first. Is it math or English? I stare at the two books.

"He's a walking std. He probably slept with almost everyone here." She sighs.


"Almost everyone. Not me and you. And a couple other people."

I reach for my English book, but stop. What if I have math first? Pull my hand back and sigh. I think I have English.

I end up grabbing my math book.

I go to close my locker but Opal grabs my locker door.

"English first." She says.

"Oh my gosh. I stood here the whole time trying to figure that out and you just now tell me! Why didn't you say anything sooner? You know I have troubles figuring this out!"

I throw my math book in the locker and grab the English one. I shut my locker and walk away. Opal laughs. Following me.

I sit in my first period. Opal and I have different classes. I sigh. Listening to the teacher. I'm not paying attention. I'm just staring at her. Pretending like I'm listening. My mind is totally at home sleeping. I wonder if I can sleep in this class.

I hear a loud noise. I jump from the suddne noise and look over. Seeing the teacher waking up a student.

Well... guess not. I was so stuck in a daydream I didn't even realize there's a person beside me now. I ignore the person because I don't socialize with people. I stare at the teacher. Not listening.

"How do you sit there and listen to her talk the whole class period?" I hear someone whisper.

"I just stare at her and pretend to listen. In my mind I'm not here." I whisper, not even looking to see whos beside me.

"Cazey... Do you know the answer?"

I stare at her. "I don't even know the question." I say.

"That's because there isn't one. Pay attention and you would know that."

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