Chapter 64/136: Nothing

Start from the beginning

The room was spacious, eying the window to my left, I saw it was already morning... Sweeping my gaze across the window, I was met by the wardrobe before the.. red(?) bed I was lying in, and then... towards the left side of the room...



His name starts with Rickard Ellington Conway and ends with 'number one son of a bachelor.'

He had a newspaper in between his hard, and long fingers. His cool, composed gaze was directed at it, and his expression looked empty, utterly unfazed.

Without even looking up or moving a muscle, a deep, cold voice escaped him:

"Awake, I see."

I gulped, slightly shifting to straighten up, but failing because of dizziness.

"H-How long did I sleep?" I muttered, frowning slightly, holding my forehead in my hand.

"Two days." His calm, frozen reply came.

I gasped, "Wh-What?" I tried moving again, but my leg suddenly stung.

I stiffened, memory slowly flooding into my brains.

I tried moving my lips several times, in an attempt to form words.

"You shot me."

He shifted, as he folded the newspaper, and placed it beside him, casually. Deliberately, after so, he brought his gaze upwards.

To capture mine.

He spoke none. Said none.

My heart clenched, "You shot me." I repeated.

He kept his arrogant, unfazed gaze, as he reached for his wristwatch on his right wrist. "You were a hostage. And it's a mere scratch, but you fainted and spent two days of sleep because you had severe psychological stress."

I held my tears back, "And?"

"He was pressuring me with you." He spoke, hesitantly, "He could've used you against me if you stayed in his grip."

I ran my hand through my hair, "Ah, of course, shooting me as though I were some flour bag was such a perfect solution." I sassed.

He didn't honor that with a comment, I gulped, holding my tears back, as I glanced towards my leg, and my expression became emotionless for a moment.

"Well, taking in my father sold me, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised anymore by anyone." I mumbled, my eyes watering but preventing tears from falling.

He stiffened, but didn't say anything in response, and that drove me more insane.

I moved at that, and started descending off of the bed, "I'm really tired of people ignoring me like this, thank you so much, Mister, I'm leaving!" I snapped.

I stood up, but he was fast.

He didn't need two hands to give me a little push, easily causing me to sway back down over the bed.

He stood up, towering me, his eyes glowing with an arrogant, imperial pride.

His face didn't show it, but the tension in his jaw gave him away.

I'd clearly managed to hit a nerve for him.

"I do not have to explain my every action to you, Thorne, enough with the childishness." He  didn't even arc his head down, only his gaze fixed me to my place.

But I wasn't going to back off so easily.

No, God knows I was in such a full-passion fighting mood.

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