"I'm suprised your siblings are alright with you moving like this... just, you know.."

".. So suddenly."

"It's fine. Temari already moved out months ago and Kankuro's always wanted his own place... But, being the youngest.. he. He worries about me. He wanted me to set myself up first before he made any arangements."

"To be honest. I think this makes them happier then me just running away like i used to."

"You used to run away?"

"Yeah. Not far though. I'd buy an apartment or luxury hotel room on the other end of our village and spend the week... They hated it. Not knowing where i was and all."

"They really care about you huh?"

"They do... If i can be honest..?"

"Go for it!"

"I wish i had realised just how much they cared... or at least i wish i had learned to 'apreciate' it, a lot sooner then i had."

Staring down at his knees, Gaara felt a wave of guilt crash into him. Hands clentching as he thought to himself.

He had put his siblings through so much over the years. Pain and fear, among other things; yet they still stayed by him. Tried to help him. They truly cared about him, and he never once took the time to thank them. So deep into his own thoughts, his emotional demons; Gaara barely noticed his hands shaking nor the tears that dared to whell in his once piercing eyes.

But the pain, The fear and the guilt faded away by the soothing touch of the blond's hand upon his own. Like the soothing warm light of a sunny afternoon, the Uzumaki effortlessly comfoted him through a single touch.

"Hey... It's ok."

"I know you feel bad... but. It'll be alright."

Naruto whispered gently, He barely had any idea on how to react. He was sitting with his best friend whom was on the verge of tears.

Sure they hadn't been friends for more then a few years, but the bond they shared was stonger then ever.

Making eyecontact with the other, His heart began to race.

It was a strange sensation that happed to him when ever they looked at each other.

Those beautiful Seafoam eyes, like a pure deepcut emeralds. They looked as calming as jasmine on a cold evening and made the Uzumaki feel the exact same. Calm, collected and assured.

This is what he wanted. This is what made him happy. Looking at and being close to the other jinchuuriki. Or perhapse it was just how close they where to each other.

Dry eyes dared to intereupt the two as Naruto batted his lashes vigerously to see clearly. Looking away from the curious and onceagain composed vessel.


"For what? You where right. It is alright."


"You said everything was going to be ok. And it is now."

"I feel better because of you."

Looking down to their intertwined hands, It made Gaara's skin shiver in delight. A feeling he had been denied for far too long. He pondered if every touch would feel this way between the two of them. Atleast, he hoped it would.

"You should finish packing."

"Kankouro's still waiting for us."

"Oh!! Yeah!!"

Snapping back to reality Naruto jumped up from the bed in a panic, rushing around the room to stuff as much as he could into boxes and bags. Running around his bedroom left, right and center to gather what he could.

Gaara however,remained seated on the bed. Staring at his now tingling hand; The heat from the other still lingering on his skin. Closing his hand into a fist he glanced up at the rushing nin and offered a gentle glance.

"You know we still have all day..."

"You don't have to run."

"Kankuro's just not very patient is what i meant"

"Well yeah, but i already handed in my notice to the landlady!"

"I Gotta be outta here by three and it's already eleven!"

"We still gotta get my furnature and stuff!"

"ah. I see.."


Flowers for a killer.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora