Chapter 16- "Secrets"

Start from the beginning

"Tyler? Oh my God what happened?" Nathan yelled at me while running towards me but stopped not even a step away from me. "I don't get it... I can't get closer...there's something here.." He said confused looking at his hands, places on an imaginary wall.

He started pushing the invisible wall with his arm from the side. He stopped only after a voice from an old lady was heard.

"Need help with that, dear?" She said. I turned and viewed a tall ,skinny, old lady with a huge evil smile that made my spine shiver.

"Who are you?" I asked, the old lady, afraid of what she would answer.

"I think you should know by now, don't you think?" She replied.

Of course I did, but then again, I was nervous of what she was capable of.

"You're Eris, goddess of discord and strife. What do you want from us?" I asked confidently, although my heart was pounding in my chest faster than it should.

"Oh, I'm not the villain, dear. I want to help you, but first, I have to make sure you're worth it"

If you are worth it? What is that even supposed to mean?

"If you're not the villain then let Tyler go" Nathan told her and she grinned

"I will but only if we make deal" she said and her eyes flickered.

"What kind of deal?" I asked.

"Don't worry it's simple, simpler the an the other's. All you have to do to release you is tell your deepest secret." She responded and her eyes flickered again. She pointed Nathan and she continued casually "but of course if you don't want to you can just leave him"

Nathan's eyes grew wider and started panicking. Not that long after he began again pushing the invisible box, only with way more power.

"No no no, I'm going to let you out of here myself, don't worry Ty" he said.

To be honest I wasn't that worried about getting out of the box as much as the fact that Nathan was panicked. Nathan is the most chill, careless person I knew.

What was that huge secret that he couldn't tell me?

I thought I knew all his secrets. I was his best friend for God's sake, why didn't he tell me? I didn't know if I should be offended or not.

I sucked a deep breath and blinked slowly. I placed my hand on the invisible box and murmured "Nathan, I don't know what your secret is or why I don't know it, but if it is so important to you, you can leave me behind."

I said it. Okay? I meant it. I would do anything for him. Anything.

He stopped pushing and glanced at me, confused. "What? There is no freaking way I'm leaving you behind.. Ah, fine I accept your offer, happy?" He frowned annoyed to Eris.

He twitched his lips and exhaled heavily. "Tyler, you're my best friend and my life would be a living hell without you.."

I was more confused than I have ever been. What was he trying to say? He went on.

"That's why I didn't tell you. I was afraid of losing you.."

"Oh just say it!" Eris yelled from the background.

He rolled his eyes and said "Tyler I'm in love with you."

WHAT? Nathan was in love with me?

My mouth dropped open. I didn't know what to say...the guy I liked, who happened to be my best friend liked me back?

"It was about time" Eris whined casually while clicking her fingers and the invisible box was gone.

I couldn't wait any longer. I placed my hand on the back of his head and my lips met his. Our lips moved in sync and kissed like our lives depended on it. I kissed him and he kissed me back and it was beautiful.

When we separated he smiled charmingly like always. I looked around and realised we weren't surrounded by trees anymore. We were in a cave.

"Where are we?" I muttered and Eris answered "In my cave of course"

Nathan turned to Eris and asked with his hands crossed on his chest "Well where are the others, are the coming?"

"That depends on them, dear" she answered with the evil smirk of hers while I felt my heart pounding in my chest, not sure if it was because of the kiss or the fear of the unknown destiny of my friends.


A/N: Chapter 16 is done! I hope it wasn't too obvious Tyler and Nathan would end up together. 

Also, sorry for being so late, I swear it won't take that long for the next chapter.

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