Wincing I let Mia squeeze my hand, the feel of bones pushing up together, threatening to break. Sighing in relief as Mia finally let go of my hand she sent me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry," she blushed.

"Mia it's okay, I just wasn't sure my hand would survive," I laughed.

"Well if it doesn't survive once this ones out I'll make you my famous chocolate cheesecake. Deal?"

"Deal," I replied, smiling widely.

"Have you thought about our conversation the other day?" Mia asked, trying to sit upright.

"Mia, I just don't think that's an option for me," I answered.

"Scar, I love you as Luna and so does the entire Lack but other Packs will see you not having a Mate, or even a Chosen as a weakness."

"I know but with the Alpha's around here I'd never choose any of them. Even if it benefited the Pack," I complained.

"Scar, what about Lucas? He's been by your side for years. Why not him?" Mia suggested.

Lucas, by protecter with the beautiful dark eyes and dark features. He was a perfect option, we'd known each other since birth, we got along and enjoyed each other's company. Yet, it felt wrong to be with Lucas like that.

"Lucas is a perfect choice but I just can't see myself with him like that. It just feels... wrong. Like Mating a family member. I just can't," I sighed.

"Scar, you're twenty-five, the other Packs..." Mia paused for a second, looking down and fidgeting with the blanket.

"The other Packs have what Mia?" I asked.

"Well there have been rumours, that one of the Alpha's is planning to overthrow you. But it's just rumours. Right?" Mia asked, panic evident in her voice.

"I didn't know about any of this, Mia you should've told me before now. If it's just a rumour then it won't be so bad but if it isn't a rumour," I let out a sigh of annoyance.

All of the Alpha's were nice to your face but behind the facade, they were power hungry beasts. Sighing, I rubbed my face, trying to push away the new knowledge of all this and focus on my friend. Instead, it pushed itself forward, demanding my attention and to be the sole focus.

"I'm sorry Scar, I really did just think it was nothing. It's why I didn't say anything," Mia mumbled, guilt written all over her face.

"Mia it's okay," I replied softly, removing my hands from my face to look at her. "Julian should have told me a rumour like this was circulating the Pack. He is the Beta after all," I joked.


It took more than an hour for Mia to be fully dilated. And another forty minutes before the pup came into the world. When the pup finally came into the world I was relieved that Mia finally stopped crushing my hand. Despite being able to heal quickly, my hand still suffered damages thanks to Mia.

"What are you going to call him?" I asked as I sat beside the bed.

Mia smiled as she stroked the babies head, dark hair flattened to his head. As Mia's hand continued to stroke the babies head it felt like she was stroking the envy and jealousy that was within me. The jealousy of my wolf.

"William, after his dad," Mia answered, her gaze remaining on the baby.

"It's perfect," I answered, and it was. The baby, William, was a spitting image of his father.

"I'm going to go Mia, I'll be back in a day or two, and congratulations again," I spoke gently as I stood from the chair.

"I'll see you in a few days. Hopefully I'll be out of the hospital and back home," Mia teased.

"Take your time to heal," I replied before leaving the room.

Following the small purple baby feet back to the main entrance I let out a breath of relief. Hospitals always made me feel like I was suffocating. Walking towards the large gum trees I breathed in the intoxicating smell of eucalyptus, somewhere, in the distance the laughter of a kookaburra echoed, making me smile.

Following a small worn path down the hill I winced as sharp rocks dug into my bare feet. Ignoring the pain my lips curved upwards as I finally arrived at the lake, it was large and the waters were a murky blue.

Closing my eyes I focused on shifting, the image in my mind. My skin sprouting fur as my bones cracked and changed. Biting on my lip I tried to ignore the pain as my bones continued changing from human to wolf. Letting out a whimper as claws sprouted from my fingers and toes, extending from my paws. After an eternity, I opened my eyes, everything now sharper. Sniffing the edge of the water I caught a glimpse of my wolf. Rustic red fur with wide green eyes looking down her snout, my wolf. I'd seen her before but it always amazed me the way we were able to change.

Leaning down to lap some of the water my head snapped up at the sound of twigs snapping. Looking in the direction of the sound I sniffed the air, frowning when I caught an unfamiliar scent. Frowning I started to approach slowly, trying to make little noise as possible.

Letting out a low growl, I waited for the intruder to come forward. Silently, I was praying this wouldn't end in a fight. Fighting was something I wasn't skilled at, of course I'd practiced for years and still did, but I just couldn't get the hand of it. Swallowing the lump that was forming in my throats I watch as a man appeared from behind a large Gum Tree, hands up in the air in a surrender. Brown hair curling against his forehead, pale skin that looked like it had never seen sunlight before today and his eyes. They were bright electric blue. Bluer than any of the eyes in my Pack. Or of anyone I'd ever met.

A swell of emotions rocked through me. Confusion. Anger. But most of all, a strong pull of attraction.

Pushing aside my self conscious thoughts, I shifted back into my human form. The cold air nipping at my naked body as I stared at the stranger.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my territory?" I demanded.


"There he is! Get him!" A loud voice shouted, interrupting the strange man.

Frowning I watched as three, four males, two in human and two in wolf form ran towards us. The two males in human form held large metallic spears, pointing them towards the stranger.

"Stop!" I screamed.

The two men looked at me as the stood side by side with the first male.

"None of you are from my Pack, so you better explain to me why, you are on my territory," I growled, glaring at the men.

"Luna Scarlett, long time no see," a teasing voice spoke as a familiar figure appeared.

"Alpha Octavius," I growled.

The Luna's Alpha {COMPLETED} Where stories live. Discover now