Pokemon: Next Generation

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            Let’s start off on the right foot: My name is Emma. I’m certainly not a Pokemon professor and I’m definitely not explaining what Pokemon are because who doesn’t know, right? I’m pretty sure the only reason you’re reading this story in the first place is because of Pokemon. Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon. So if you don’t know what Pokemon are or how amazing they can be, search it up.

            I do, though, have to explain some stuff about my friends and I before we get into the story. We’re all different, though we’ve known each other pretty much our entire lives. Daniel, Amanda, and I all live in Cerulean City in Kanto and started our journey when we turned sixteen, which is way past the normal beginning Trainer age. Anthony, on the other hand, is from Mistralton City in the Unova region, which is where he started his journey before joining us in Johto for the League.

            Why do I live in Cerulean, you might ask? My mom’s the Gym Leader. You probably know her. Misty. Misty Ketchum, wife of the famous Ash Ketchum. Also known as the best parents ever. Their adventures are some of the most well known in the entire world and I’m lucky enough to be their kid.  

            Some other awesome people in my life include Amanda, who was my neighbor which is why we became such close friends. She’s amazingly nice and we’ve always gotten along even though she’s a lot girlier than I am. And Daniel? Well meeting him is a story for another time, but he’s been helping out at my mom’s gym ever since he was five. We’ve been friends for over twelve years now, though he didn’t go to the same school as me and Amanda. Why, you might ask? Because his parents put him into a super fancy shmancy private school. Daniel’s dad is the CEO of Silph Co. and travels a lot. He also wants Daniel to follow in his footsteps, which Daniel isn’t thrilled about since all he cares about are Pokemon. Still, we can’t complain too much. If it wasn’t for Daniel’s dad’s business trips to Unova, Daniel wouldn’t have become such close friends with Anthony.

            And where does that leave us now? Eighteen years old, traveling together, and having an epic time with our Pokemon. Until, well, I guess you’ll have to read on to find out.

Alright guys! Since some of you seemed excited about the idea of my OC story, here you go. Now I've written plenty of background information on all of these guys which I'll post eventually (because, I must admit, they're all amazing in their own ways and I've gone into a lot of detail on who they are as people, who their parents are, what their favorite Pokemon are, etc. etc.) 

But yes, here's what you really need to know so far in order to understand what's going on or why any characters have internal conflicts that don't seem explained. 

Oh, by the way, if you have any criticism, feel free to give it to me. Or if you're confused by something. I mean, one point in writing on here is to get feedback. And also feel free to vote, comment, and subscribe. You're all my inspiration to write, so thanks a million for always reading my chapters.

Pokemon Question of the Day: Which do you prefer: A Bike, Running Shoes, or Roller Skates? Or maybe you're a fan of walking super slow all the way through your game (haha).


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