Chapter 36: Pep Talk

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Chapter 36: Pep Talk

A hand gently prodded me. I groaned and rolled over, sinking into the warmth of the bed.

"Emma, come on. Don't make this difficult."

I held my eyes shut.

"Everyone is already at breakfast."

Like food was going to get me up. I wasn't Daniel.

"It's the day we go back."

A sharp intake of breath later, I bolted up from my pillow, heart hammering. My eyes widened at Amanda, whose lips were pursed.

"That worked," she commented dryly. "Come on, girl. Get ready."

"Fine." I tried to steady myself with deep breaths. "You sure know how to wake someone up."

"Just mentioning life and death situations helps a lot." She winked, grabbed her packed bag and headed out the door. I gripped the sheets tightly for myself, as if for protection, before climbing out of bed.

The breakfast table seemed tense. Anthony and Daniel sat together, mostly keeping to themselves except for the occasional teasing pokes with his fork Daniel would give Anthony, which he ignored. Amanda was talking to Brock, or more like listening to Brock. She seemed distracted as he went on and on about the differences between Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. Ash and Misty sat together. Ash wasn't eating much, but murmured every once and awhile to Misty, who would crack a small smile.

Our normally loud group was having a quiet day again.

"Morning, gang," I greeted, trying to perk them up.

I got back a few mumbles and a wink from Daniel, which I ignored.

"I see Amanda is the only one able to get Sleeping Beauty out of bed in less than five minutes," Daniel said.

"She knows how to motivate." I grabbed a few pancakes from the platter in the middle of the table and dug in despite my stomach's nervousness for today. Everything could go wrong. Absolutely everything.

"We were planning to leave in ten minutes," Anthony stated, getting to what really mattered.

The pancakes clogged my throat as I swallowed. I nodded mutely.

"It'll be fine Emma," Daniel said.

I took another bite of pancake. Fine my butt.

Twenty minutes later, our Pokemon were saddled and ready to go. I absentmindedly traced Sadie's side. Her scales were smooth in one direction and rough in the other. I loved Sadie, but the feel of feathers, of Cloud's downy body, was heaven in comparison. He didn't even exist yet in this time, but I still wished he was ok.

"Who are you riding with?" Daniel asked.

I sighed. I was tired. I didn't want to face today, the day that could doom us all. Or at least doom me if we didn't find Celebi or if my mom spilled the beans to my dad. I still didn't think she'd tell him who I was, but really. It could happen.

Really, with all these worries running through my head, I didn't want to ride with anyone. But I couldn't say that. I continued to trace Sadie's scales, avoiding Daniel's eyes which I knew were full of concern. "I don't know and I really don't care."

"Emma," he said firmly, "Really, everything is going to be fine."

"Just because you keep saying it over and over doesn't mean it's true," I said coldly.

"I'm riding with you."

My mouth opened so I could argue.

"You said you didn't care. I'm riding with you. It's pep talk time," Daniel retorted before walking to the middle of our group. "Ok guys. It's our last stretch to Ilex Forest. Let's fly fast. We'll get there before dinner time. And you guys will be rid of us by nightfall."

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