Chapter 29: Are We There Yet?

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Chapter 29: Are We There Yet?

I wanted to sleep in, but I was told by Anthony that I'd have to wait until the actual present to have that luxury. He'd ended up being the one sent to try to get me out of bed, which I hadn't liked one bit.

"Get out of bed," Anthony repeated for the fifteenth time.


"You're being ridiculous. Do you want to go home or not?" he chided, trying at the same time to pull the covers off of me.

"Stop doing that!" I shrieked, curling into a ball. "What if I was naked!?"

"Why would you sleep naked?" Anthony asked, backing up quickly. I slept with pajamas because that would be crazy not to at a Pokémon Center (stranger danger), but he didn't have to know that. I peeked from outside the covers and saw that his cheeks were red. Good. He had decency and that would be his downfall. It also made it really tempting to lie and say he needed to leave so I could get dressed and then fall back asleep.

"Fine." I sighed, deciding not to be as evil. All the excitement had woken me up anyway. I sat up. Anthony immediately shielded his eyes with his hands and looked almost ready to duck and cover. I raised my eyebrows. "I'm not naked. Calm down."

He slowly lowered his hands and opened his eye a crack. "You could have said that before."

"I never said I was naked! I said if!"

"You're not going to be my flying buddy," Anthony said curtly, walking towards the door. "Hurry up. We're all waiting."

The door slammed and I sighed. It was going to be a long day.

Going outside and beginning to figure out our "seating arrangement" didn't make me feel any better.

"Why is Daniel riding with Misty?" I whispered to Amanda as soon as I heard the plan.

She shrugged. "Well you weren't here and I vouched for you because I figured you wouldn't want to ride with him since you say he's annoying."

"He is annoying," I said defensively.

"Well, then you shouldn't be mad," Amanda said. "Besides, you'd be comfortable with your dad."

"Yeah, but why are they flying together?" I repeated, careening my head around Fenrir's body to stare at Daniel and Misty, who were chatting animatedly right next to Daniel's Charizard. Fenrir's sleek body wasn't a very good hiding place, especially when he sneezed and brought attention to himself. Daniel stopped laughing at something Misty said as he looked over in our direction and waved.

I gave a weak smile before using Fenrir's wing to shield myself more as I furiously whispered to Amanda, "I don't like this."

Amanda sighed. "Well if you want to make a scene, be my guest."

"No. There's nothing to make a scene about."

"Good." Amanda went back to making sure Fenrir was ready.

"Yeah," I said, then decided to distract myself. "So you're riding with Anthony?"

"Yep," Amanda said. "Fortis is bigger for two people. Brock will have Fenrir to himself. It'd be kind of creepy if he rode with someone, you know?"

Yes. Yes it would. "So, you and Anthony?"

Amanda looked up from petting Fenrir and raised her eyebrows. "What about us?"

"Oh, nothing." I smiled.

Amanda's dirty blonde hair waved in front of her face so I couldn't see her expression as she bent closer to Fenrir. "If you say so."

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