Chapter 22: Run Around

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Chapter 22: Run Around 

Ash sighed tiredly before shouting, "Hold on, Gyarados!" 

"You better hold on, Twerp," Jessie exclaimed. We looked over at Team Rocket, standing wearily by their wrecked balloon. 

"At least we'll catch Pikachu as a consolation prize." James grinned. 

"Where do they get this confidence?" Daniel frowned. 

"From you, maybe." I rolled my eyes, then sighed. "I'm so done with today." 

"Come on out, Arbok!" Jessie threw a Poke Ball and Arbok appeared again. 

Pikachu hopped up to battle. Ash asked, "You feeling ok to battle?" 

Pikachu nodded. 

"Use Poison Sting!' Jessie commanded. 

"Agility," Ash said. Pikachu dodged the needles, turning into a yellow blur. "Now Thunderbolt." 

Pikachu's attack hit Arbok, along with Team Rocket. An explosion rocketed them into the sky, again, and they flew away like... well, definitely not angels. 

"Is that the last time?" Anthony asked, out of breath. 

"Um, hopefully?" Brock guessed. 

"Whatever. They're easy to take down." I looked over towards Lance. Police sirens were coming from the distance. "Oh, good. Finally, some help." 

"Officer Jenny..." Brock crumbled where he stood, apparently too weak to stand. 

"Is he ok?" I asked weakly.  

"He's just suffering from testosterone is all." Misty sighed, then kicked him. "Brock, get up. Gyarados is still loose." 

"Right," he said weakly. "Let's run a couple more miles. I'd just love that, wouldn't you?" 

Daniel grinned at the sarcasm and said, "Hey, I'm sure Officer Jenny loves a fit man." 

Needless to say, Brock outran each and every one of us as we sprinted toward the Gyarados, which was now firing off multiple Hyper Beam attacks into the sky. 

"We won't make it in time," I yelled. 

"This is stupid, let's fly there. Come on." Anthony and the rest of us called our flying Pokémon again.  

"Ash, Misty, you can take Fenrir. He'll fly you safely." Amanda showed them how to mount Fenrir and grip tightly- Ash in the front and Misty in the back, hugging Ash's belly to keep from falling off. "Be careful." 

Amanda then hopped behind Anthony onto Fortis. 

"Brock, get all thoughts of women out of your head because you're flying with me, got it?" Daniel raised an eyebrow, helping Brock up with his hand. 

Brock said nothing, but held on tightly as they took off. I was alone, flying on Sadie overhead as they got ready, her yellow and blue wings beating rapidly. 

We all ascended and soared toward the dam that blocked Gyarados from the town. Flying so much faster than if we'd gone on foot, thankfully giving us a minute to breathe and rest. Our Pokémon descended and landed on the dam's wall, the Gyarados still sending Hyper Beam attacks everywhere. 

"Stop, you're going to destroy the town!" Ash yelled. 

"You don't want to hurt anyone," Brock added. 

"Especially me," Anthony said quietly. 

I rolled my eyes. 

The Gyarados continued toward us, finally noticing that we were the only ones in his way of destroying the town. 

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