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Back then, I was a firm believer that whatever happens, you need to shoot your shot. Things may not go your way, but what's important is that you expressed how you really feel. That was my motto back then, but not until I met Sehun again.

He was the real definition of 'so close, yet so far'. 'Yung tipong abot kamay mo na pero parang ang layo pa din. We have been paired a few times, but that was it. This year I thought something has changed, that maybe, just maybe he will like me too. I guess I hoped too much because of his actions.

It's late at night and we decided to have a drink in Jessica's garden. We just made sure that Blake is fast asleep, the kid doesn't deserve to see her Aunties and Uncles in their drunk states. That's way too horrific.

"Sehun your turn, truth or dare you brat!" I heard Chanyeol yell. I listened intently to what he was going to choose.

"Truth," he mumbled in his usual almost inaudible voice.

"Ano ba 'yan, ang weak mo naman!" Tao exclaimed making Kai and Chanyeol roar in laughter.

"Umin, you ask since you just arrived this lunchtime," Suho nudged the guy with a military cut hairstyle. Apparently, Xiumin just got discharged from his enlistment. He said he didn't want to miss the chance to see his bandmates so he rushed his way here.

Kyungsoo and Chen were supposed to be here too but Chen couldn't make it because his wife is pregnant. Kyungsoo on the other hand has to sort his future projects as they have pile up.

"I know a lot about Sehun since I spent a lot of time with him, what should I ask?" Xiumin asked, eyes wandering as he tries to find the perfect question.

Kris whispered something in his ear, making him nod in agreement. "This was from our dear Baba Wu," Xiumin started making the others laugh at the nickname he gave to Kris. "Among all the women here, who caught your eye the most? You don't need to tell us why just answer directly like a man,"

"Choose wisely Sehun, almost everyone here guards someone. Think carefully if you don't want to sleep wounded," Lay chuckled, earning a smack on the head from Luhan.

He has a point, almost everyone has someone they like here.

"Do I really have to choose? All the noonas are pretty in their own way," Sehun answered making the guys disagree at his statement.

"That's how cowards answer," Xiumin laughed, making the other guys nod in agreement.

"Just drop a name Sehun, it's not like you'll really date the person that caught your eye," Luhan said, encouraging him to say a name.

"C'mon, I didn't raise a coward. Make me proud," Suho told him, his fist clenched in the air.

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