Chapter 18

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  I saw Alice die. I couldn't do anything. The fumes and the orange fire were making a wall in front of me, yielding my view of anything.
  "Alice!!!" I cried, my lungs weak, I coughed. I needed to get out. No reply....tears stream down my eyes and I know....She's gone. Alice is gone.
  I turn and run. Out of the house. Out of the city. And back to the woods Where Jasmin is feeding Simon some plant leaves. I see Rogue there too, looking upset and tired and exhausted, most likely from escaping the evil warriors to find her sister. I wipe my eyes hastily,  as to not reveal I was crying.

  I nod a shy greeting towards Rogue, and kneel before Simon, "Simon.... are you okay?    
  I cup my hands in his face, releived when I feel the warmth of his skin vibrating with life. He smiles.

  "Never better, " He curls his bottom lip in and winces when he shifts his leg. I step back and give Jasmin a hug, thanking her for her assistance in mending Simon to health.

  "thanks a lot, Jas... This means alot to me, " I smile, letting my arms fall to my side.

  "No problem! I.. " Jasmins sentence is cute off by Rogues cutting edge voice.

  "Yeah... So we gotta go... Escape and all! Thanks for your hospitality! Asta la vista! " Rogue transforms into a shimmering gold and brown Griffin and flips Jasmin onto her back with her spindly whip of a tail. I watched, transfixed and sad, as they fly up into the sky and onto the clutches of safer grounds than us.

. I heft Simon up onto my back, which is mildly easier than it may sound, due to the fact he is shorter than me. And I fought my way through far more exhausting and muscle popping exercises than him. So yeah, you could say I'm stronger than my husband.

  As silent as I can be, I make my way through the dense thicket of seemingly endless forest and hope to god this day isn't the calm before the storm, because if so... I don't think I can deal with anything right now... not after what happened. Not after any of it. I'm tired, restless.... And need a hug.

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