Chapter 14

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  I am once again standing before my group of recruits, eyeing them down one by one and smiling to myself. they have gotten better, more flexible with their tools and their magic. I am proud. For once I have something to be proud about.  The air is mild today, and a light breeze sashays through the sky against the blinding blue above and the sun spilling over us and coating us like honey. The bees are fluttering around lazily in search for exotic flowers, the birds are singing sweet songs to welcome in the beauty of the day. It is a great day.  A calm day. A day to feel happy. A day to feel like maybe I am worth something...Maybe I can do something. I will do something.

  After my long and worthwhile hours on the battle field instructing people and teaching them, I am ready to go to bed. And maybe tonight I will get to visit Jasper in the spirit realm again. 

  The night is cool and refreshing and peaceful as I walk home. I safely lock my door once inside and quickly brush a comb through my hair and suck on a mint as I crawl into my covers, too lazy to attempt a usual bed time routine. 

  As my eyelids flutter lazily over my sleepy eyes, I feel the growing familiarity of being swept off of my feet, or rather my body, and lightly let back down at the home of the spirit realm.

  I am here, in the now familiar spirit realm, sucking the sweet honey filled flavors of the mysterious forest through my mouth and blowing it calmly out my nose. I am not wearing the elegant dress tonight, and my hair is in a messy frantic bundle of bed head. I sigh, maybe its because I was too lazy to actually brush my hair before bed and put on my night gown. 

  I look around for Jasper, and eventually spot him leaning casually against the large trunk of an old, mystical tree. I run to him and grab his hand softly. 

  He looks down at me with sadness in his eyes and I feel my happiness sink to my stomach, "Alice......Please, I don't have much time to talk because it is a mere matter of minutes in which you must awake! So listen closely to what I have to say, because your world...and many others for that matter...are in danger."

  I nod my head in understanding and he continues, "Alice...There is an evil far more powerful than my father or anyone in Obsidian...Far more powerful than the sorceress that had taken my life...You must understand this, there is evil inside us all...a tamed one, an easy hunted one. A selfish one.... But you...Please...Don't let it out Alice, whatever you do, whatever happens that may cause you more grief than any thing you could ever imagine...... Don't give in...Don't give up."

  And then he was gone...and I was awake.....

  And there was fire everywhere. 

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