Chapter 10

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"A war!! How are we going to prepare for a war in time!? Le Sage did say soon, didn't he? That the war would be any minute..?" Zayne paced back and forth on the marble floor of our palace bed room.

  "Yes...well, I'm sure Alice can train the warriors in time!!! They already know loads of fighting knowledge...and most of them are already handy using a sword!" I sighed, rubbing my temples in concentration. Being queen was hard.

  "Sure, they can handle a sword...but can they handle the most important fighting equipment? Face it, July! Nobody uses a sword anymore!" Zayne sighed, sitting down on their large silk bed, "I mean, their supposed to be handling magic not metal!"

  I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his slumped back, "I'll tell Alice to start training right away..."

. He nodded and put his head in his hands as I walked over to my writing equipment and wrote Alice one of the most important messages she will ever receive.

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