Chapter 5

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  It's a pretty busy day at my store today and Me and July didn't have any time to swing on by Alice's house with the usual tea surprise. I guess we'll go there later tonight. But right now, I'm in the middle of arguing with a middle aged woman about my drinks. God dammit, she's holding the line up.
  "Mam, I'm sorry but I can't explain it any further! " I cry exasperated, holding a jasmine tea with boba in my right hand. I'm getting so frustrated that small rose petals are inching up the cup from my fingertips, emitting thorns as they go.
  "What is this? I'm serious! Are you selling us poison? Something you concocted from your little pot of evil!" The woman huffed "I've never seen any thing like this! Que diable!"
  "Please, I'm not selling you poison! It's a drink people make on earth!! It's delicious! Sometimes it's good to try new culture foods!" I explained in my most cheerful voice ( which was dripping with a stinging hatred towards this sour woman.)
  The woman gave me the stink eye, plucked the thorny cup from my grasp, and stormed off. I sighed as the next person, who happened to be an eight year old wearing a bathing suit and goggles, came up and asked for a strawberry milk tea. I took her money, which was soggy from her wet touch, and asked my new friend/assistant to make the girls order.
  I couldn't possibly run this place by myself, and everyone I know is always so caught up and busy these days with their important jobs, especially July and Zayne. So I asked around for people looking to be hired and I got someone.
  Jasmin is 17 and is extremely interested in earth and my past life. She enjoys bubble tea like nobody's business too, so I guess jumping at the chance to work with me here is a literal statement for her.
  "Strawberry milk tea?" Jasmin handed me the pink drink and I smiled at her. Then I handed the drink to the ecstatic girl, who flashed me a cute smile that clearly showed she just lost her two front teeth.
  Jasmin looked at the clock and smiled at me, "It's closing time, Sky....past time."
  "Oh yeah...guess I got caught up with that cranky lady back there." I sighed, flipping the open sign over. The line of people dispersed sadly.
  As soon as the restaurant was closed up I was outside texting July about the time we'll go over to Alice's. (Yes, this world still has some earthly qualities.) I was sitting on the green bench outside our closed shop and looked up from my screen to see Jasmin standing over me. Her waist length silky black hair glinted in the frosty moonlight and her milky eyes twinkled down at me.
  "Hey, can I talk to you?" She said, sitting beside me.
  I turned around to face her, "Yeah, what's up?"
  Jasmin's smile fell and she looked at me seriously, "I don't have any close friends, as you know, and need someone to talk to right you think you can keep a secret?"
  "Yeah, of course. What's wrong, Jas?"
  Jasmin sighed,"My sister is in the hospital....I.." Jasmin broke down in tears and I had to pat her back and say soothing words to calm her down.
  "Sister? Jasmin...I didn't even know you had a sister!" I said softly, shock displayed on my face.
  "Oh yeah...well, let me explain" Jasmin sighed,"I have a sister named Rogue. Me and her....well, we have been hiding. The reason...we're different. I have, as you know, shapeshifting power. And Rogue has those exact same powers too. You see, no siblings can have the same power. It's genetically impossible! But we do...and the official Monde de Demain healers and wise men found out...I don't know how to handle it! There just prodding her, examining her, taking her blood as test samples!" Jasmin began to cry again.
  "Well....are they going to let her go?" I asked, not sure how to respond to this.
  Jasmin shook her head softly, "Yes....but it's going to be hard...we'll be questioned, filmed, examined! I'll have to go through it too! I don't want This! If only it was still a secret!" At this, Jasmin clenched her fists angrily.
  "Well, I'm sure it will be okay...hey, can we talk about this again later? I gotta get to a friends house," I said, standing up. Jasmin smiled.
  "Yeah sure..thanks for listening to me blabber Sky, your a great friend" she croaked, wiping her eyes. And then she left.
  I sighed, exasperated, and walked to Alice's house.

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