Chapter 7

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Dylan and I meet up at the coffee shop again.

I like to go there to meet people and hangout because very few people go there. It's run down and ugly... but it's like a home for Shay, Aidan and I. 

I'm wearing the same outfit I wore to what I thought was our first date. 

"Good Afternoon, Abby", Dylan said, walking behind me. 

"Hello Dylan", I greet and motion for him to sit across from me. 

He was wearing his usual suit and hair slicked back. He was gorgeous. 

"Have you come to a decision?"

"Yes, I have just a few questions about what this relationship entails.:

"Go ahead", he commanded. 

"What will you do in this relationship? Are we only together while your family is around? Will I be allowed to see other people?"

"I will act like your boyfriend all the time. I will call you, take you on dates, buy you gifts, ect. You and I will not be seeing anyone else. Anything else?"

"I want you to meet my aunt. I tell her everything. I already have to lie about the nature of our relationship. I want her to meet you", I answer.

"Fine. So is this a yes?"

"Yes. I will pretend to be your girlfriend."

We both stood up, shook hands, and left. 


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