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First off, sorry anyone who thought this might be an update to the story, it's not exactly. It's just me. I know it's been a while. I'm sorry that I've been away so long, I don't even know if this is going to be read by anyone, but hi. Honestly, I never expected to see this account again, I thought it was deleted last year, along with everything. And I fell like I should explain, I did intentionally want this account deleted. Last year, was (to put it past) a year, to me and everyone else I know it was difficult, and soon I never had the motivation to write here, I didn't like what I had written, and I never had an idea of what to do next, so I wanted to delete it. And up until right now, I'm long past getting over everything, But I had no idea this account was still running, let alone anyone was reading anything of mine for the past year. I'm going nuts about finding my stories, but seriously, the response this book has gotten - it's driving me insane. I never expected to come back, let alone to this. My notifications box was so full. And I really want to apologise to you guys, because I just up-and-left, thinking this was gone, and if any of you actually did like my stuff, I was willingly going to delete it permanently. It was inconsiderate. But now that I've found it just sitting here, I'm not even sure I have rights to taking it back up again and using it.
Despite the way I feel about it, this story is still mine, and I'm am so whelmed, and pleased and thankful to you guys who have enjoyed this. It really is motivating. And I have to admit some of the comments are absolutely beautiful (*cough* Hilarious *wink*), and hell yeah, I'm glad some of you got my references XD Thanks guys.
And as to what will happen now, I don't think I can really decide. Honestly, I left this, it doesn't feel right just to take it from you guys, so I'll have to see what happens. Sorry again, if you saw this and thought it was an update, I do have an un-published chapter on this story that I never finished if that interests you, (it needs editing though).
So, thanks for checking this. It wasn't meant to be this long, but it's awesome if you're still interested in this enough to check :)

So, what happens when I say - (Toothcup)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat