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"What?!" They all screamed. Me as well, though mentally.

Eli held his hands up as defence, while the others all stared surprised and annoyed.

"And you decided not to tell us when I brought it up?" Astrid grunted. Eli chuckled quietly.

"Well, it's more fun that way" Eli grinned. I lifted a eyebrow.

More fun?

Astrid turned to me, and sighed. "Hiccup, try to say something for us,"

Again, I tensed up, and tried to think if I should. The others all turned back to me as well.

Looking at all of their stares, Eli stared as well, but as I looked at him he just gave me a wink, my guess, saying it's okay.

I shyly opened my mouth and tried to form something out of my mouth, though, as expected, nothing.

Astrid grunted again. After I proved Eli's statement, I closed my mouth again.

"Huh, he really has lost his voice" Fishlegs noted. Sbotlout sighed.

"Can we move on now? Hiccup lost his voice, who cares?" Snotlout grunted. So many grunts this morning.

"Ah, I do" Astrid stated. "If Hiccup lost his voice then we won't be able to know how he got unconscious in the first place" she told him.

They don't know?

"But that doesn't matter now, he's awake" Snotlout pointed out, gesturing to me.

"Yeah, he's awake, and unable to talk, don't you wanna know why?" She asked.

"Guys, again, seriously?" Fishlegs asked, breaking them up again before Sbotlout could talk back. "You're both right, Hiccup can tell us what happen when he gets his voice back" he told them, they both sighed annoyed, before turning their glances away from each other.

Wait, I have to? That means Eli hasn't told them.

"Fine" they both grunted. "Lets just go" Snotlout said, starting to turn around and walk away, the twins followed and then Fishlegs and Astrid.

I started to walk with them, but I was stopped before I could take the second step. I looked at the hand on my shoulder that stopped me.

Eli winked, "you didn't tell them did you?" He asked. Tell them what?-- oh!

I shook my head, I wouldn't have even had the chance to tell them I lost my memories. He smiled.

"That's good." He took his hand off of my shoulder, "though I guess you wouldn't be able to tell them anyway" he chuckled, though I shrugged.

He ended his chuckle with a smile and started to walk off after the others. It's strange, I watched him continue to walk. For a minute there, I got lost in his eyes.

I quickly snapped myself out of my thoughts, and noticed how far they were ahead of me. I quickly ran up to them, but stayed at the back of the group.

It reminds me, when Eli said those words to me this morning, his eyes. They were green, how are they brown? And also, he looks different, his hair was like a black mess, now it's combed back.

"Hic!" I felt a hand grab my shirt and pull me aside.

I looked at the hand. "Geez, you keep on spacing out Hic"

I looked up at Eli, I looked at the post that I was about to run into then back at Eli, it took me a second before my eyes became aware that he had a grip on my shirt and I was leaning on his chest.

I quickly pushed myself off of him and got off of him.

He let go of my shirt, and looked a bit surprised.

"S-stay away from me!"

The same words of mine came back into my head, I winced, my hand quickly flinching towards the bruise on my forehead. That's right, I can't trust him.

"Hic, are you okay?" He asked, I wanted shout saying; I'm fine. Though the pain from my head took over, a loud buzzing sound came into my ears.

My hands moved to my ears, covering them. Trying to keep out the sound, I could see Eli's mouth move, though I couldn't hear anything. Only the loud buzzing sound ringing through my ears.

My legs started to feel weak, I fell to my knees, my hands covered my ears and my eyes were closed tightly.

I felt two hands grip my shoulders, but that didn't help, the sound wasn't going away.

"Don't, snap out of!--"

That was the only thing I could make out of their yells, before the sound completely took over.

So, what happens when I say - (Toothcup)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें