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Eli stood up faster than I could think. With questions bubbling in my head, it was hard to stop Eli as he walked off. I watched him, before quickly following in return.

"Tribes?" I started, "what tribes, Eli?" I pestered. As Eli continued walking off, dodging branch after branch, leaving me to get flung in the face by each. "Ah, a-are you even going to answer me?" I continued to walk after him, and took notice that Toothless was right behind me. "Eli." I pushed, and he didn't stop, though when he got to the shore. "Eli!" I grabbed his shoulder, making him face me.

"Toothcup." Was all he answered with. I lifted an eyebrow; out of all times to bring that up. . . I nearly rolled my eyes, then got the picture. While narrowing my eyes at him, I questioned his motives. But said it reluctantly.

"Toothcup." I muttered quietly, giving Eli a stern look. While toothless change again the second time this night, I didn't look anywhere else but at Eli. Eli got what I was trying to ask, and sighed. Playing around with his hair to help him explain.

"Hiccup," he started, unsure of what to really make out of this. "I. . . I already told you before. There are other Night Furies out there. Other dragons. . . Those maps. . . Lead to their tribes. If your friends get their first, begging for questions, those dragons will not stop to protect their homes! . . . I-if they even set foot on those islands, they'll be considered a threat." Eli breathed this in deeply. Stressing out, it was kind of reminding me of myself. Though, even I was stunned to the point I couldn't find words. Toothless just stayed in the back, it was obvious he was worried too, but he didn't interject.

"Look, Eli, calm down." I tried. "We'll get to those dragons, alright? Who knows, they others might not have even found your bag." But I doubted, those guys have never failed before to enter my room and not find something that I've kept hidden. Eli was calm though, and shook off my hand.

"I doubt it. From the past week that I've been with them. . . they will go to those islands." Eli said, he was concerned, but evidently, he was right. I sighed.

"Yeah, I know. Though if they have found your bag, not only will they think your a traitor, they'll probably think I am too, or that you've captured me." I concluded, thinking aloud. "They'll use those maps to find you, Eli. And if my dad catches wind of it, he'll probably do the same." I breathed, but thought over this again. If we were just overreacting, we could probably just go back to Berk calmly. Though, of course it didn't feel like that. We know those guys, they'll do something that's not going to be pretty.

"You're just making it sound worst than it is," Eli said in monotone. Dropping his shoulders.

"Yeah, sorry. But they will go there. . . So, maybe we should just beat them there." I grinned, while Eli just smiled back.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Eli huffed, smiling all the same. Eli walked over to Toothless and tinkered with the saddle slightly, again I lifted and eyebrow at him. "I'll ride, I know the way there." Eli told me, before I could ask. I mentally rolled my eyes, even if I wanted to ride in fount I couldn't. Not that Toothless would let me anyway at this point.

"Get on."

Eli reached out his hand to me, and hesitantly I grabbed it and got on top of Toothless. Eli then grabbed the straps on the saddle and seemed to smirk.

"On on tight, Hic" without even giving me enough time to get that warning registered, Eli shot Toothless into the air, nearly causing me to fall back off of Toothless. Quickly, I grabbed hold of Eli, feared for my life. And though it was windy, I could clearly hear Eli's laughter over the wind.


Five hours later, and we were still flying. Were these islands on the other side of the world? This flight was taking forever. I couldn't help but wonder how this was for Toothless. It must be exhausting to have to be turned human twice and fly around almost everywhere. Maybe we should give him a break, not to mention, Eli started to seem tired as well.

"Um, Eli," I tapped his shoulder, I sounded quiet, but by now Toothless wasn't going as fast.

Eli turned around, and hummed out a 'yes?'. With that I continued.

"It's getting late, we should find land, and take a rest." I told him, he looked half asleep, but I got a nod from him in comply. Eli looked back ahead, then looked to his side and pointed what I guessed was East.

"There's an island near by over there." He told me. I wanted to ask how he knew, but knew that I wasn't going to get the whole answer. So, I nodded, and Eli then directed Toothless East and very quickly an island came into view.

Three minutes later and we landed, Toothless instantly collapsed, not even bothering to fold his wings, and Eli just kinda slid off of the saddle.

"We'll take rest here, and leave on the morning." With that, Eli sat down and leaned against Toothless, falling asleep instantly.

I got off the saddle and looked down at them. Thinking it over, I still hadn't got the full story, and I was still curious to what happened when I first turned Toothless human. Eli said I found his notes, but how'd I get them if his bag was in my room? Maybe I escaped his grip and raced up there, but Toothless had blocked the path, and he's stubborn, he wouldn't of let me pass, even if he was my best friend.

I sighed, there was no point thinking about it till they woke up. I sat down across from them, against a tree, and looked at them. They looked uncomfortable. Considering Toothless still had his wings out, and Eli somehow had his back across Toothless's face.

Maybe if I. . .

"Hmm," I looked at my hands and considered it. Maybe Toothless won't wake up, well, let's just hope he doesn't.

I looked back up at them, and gulped. Seperating my lips, I breathed and gave it one last second thought. Then said it.


My lips folded inwards, and for the first time, I watched Toothless turn human. I didn't get to see his limbs change from wings to arms, because instead he glowed, like the sun, and in a matter of seconds was laid upon the ground as a human.

Oh Thor, this had to be magic. My best friend, a dragon, could turn haman. In reality there should be no such thing, but there was.

What if other dragons could do this? Eli was a dragon, but he was a Night Fury. I wonder what it'd be like on Berk, if all the dragons turned human. Stormfly, Meatlug, Hookfang. Wait, would Barf and Blech share the same body?

I shook my head, removing that thought from my head.

Okay, I'm stopping there.

I looked back at the two still asleep, then laid myself across the ground and quickly fell asleep myself.

{Yes, yes, three months late, I know. And not only that, but I gave you a boring chapter too. But don't worry, things will get more interesting soon. I promise you.}

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