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My eyes flickered open, there was pain in my head and chest, I felt a bruise on my head still, but the pain coming from my chest was different. I looked up, the wooden roof in fount of me, only looking, with my mind somewhere else.

I'm in my bed again. This time I remember what happened. Though, only the things before I passed out.

We were walking towards the Great Hall, my guess is to see my dad. When I was about to run into a pole, Eli grabbed me, I pushed him away and then started hearing a kind of buzzing sound and passed out.

"Don't, snap out of--"

I remembered those words, but they were cut off before I could hear the rest. My eyes closed, my hand moved towards the bruise on my head.

I remember everything before I passed out yesterday, well, my guess yesterday. And my lost voice, but everything before yesterday, the two days that I was unconscious, everything before that is a blur.

"S-stay away from me!"

My words. They're mine. And they continue to ring through my head.

I know that they were directed to Eli, I remember shouting at him. I remember running towards my house, this room, and not making it.

"Just listen!"

Those were Eli's words, he had me pinned, but everything is mix, I can only remember some parts.

My memories are to jumbled up for me to piece everything together.

I remember Toothless at the cove, just a glimpse of him in the background!


My body shot up, I sat up and looked around the room, but once again, nothing he wasn't in here again.

"Hiccup . . ." My head turned to my right, towards the soft words spoken.

"Dad--" my words cut, and my body strangled in a bone crushing hug. "A-ah, d-dad, can't b-breath"

"Sorry" he realized, and let go of me, taking a seat on the chair he had been sitting on. I took a breath, while I still could.

He looked at me, observing the bandages and bruise on my head, though he started with a different subject. "I see you have your voice back".

Wait, what!

"My voice?--My voice!" I shouted, I felt myself smile, I could speck, I guess the others told him I lost my voice.

"He can tell us when he gets his voice back"

Fishlegs, right, the others! I face palmed myself. Great.

"Are you alright son?" Stoick asked, and I forgot he was there.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" I answered. "Dad, how long have I been unconscious?" I asked, hoping it wasn't more than two days at least.

"Three hours" he answered. I sighed with relief.

"Oh thank god" I breathed, it's only been a couple of hours, wait a second. "Where's everyone else?" It would only be late afternoon, where would they go?

"They went out on their dragons, Toothless too" he told me. Toothless!

"W-wait, who's riding Toothless?"


"It's getting late, we should head back--"

"Eli!" I shouted, walking into the arena were the others all leaned against their dragons.

So, what happens when I say - (Toothcup)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن