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My eye lids slowly started to open, as they did everything was blurred.

My head hurt, my shoulder did as well. I slowly started to sit up, wincing at the pain in my shoulder, my arm quickly flinched to my shoulder.

I followed my hand and looked at my injury. Bandages? I looked down at my chest, noticing more bandages rapped around my body. What?

"S-stay away from me!"

I winced. That was my voice, it echoed in my head. What had happened last night? I couldn't remember anything.

"Just listen!"

That's Eli's voice, but wait, why was I with him? My head hurt, my free hand moved to the bruise on my head.

Had I hit my head?


I winced, at the pain from my forehead. Eli's voice, was he trying to tell me something?

Taking my mind off the lost memory, I looked around. Noticing that I'm in my room, on my bed.

But, wait, the last thing I remember I was outside, with Eli, and . . . And Toothless.

If that's true, why am I here? What happened?

I sighed, thinking this over, I should try and remember. I closed my eyes and tried to remember anything from last night.

Let's see;

I remember going outside, and I ran into Astrid, she gave me a bag, she said that I had to give it to someone, so I went back home. I can't remember how I got outside though.

I remember that the bag was heavy, so I looked through and found something. I then raced home and tried looking for . . . Eli?

But, why him?


My eyes shout open, I quickly turned to look over at the steps. Him.

"You're awake!" He smiled, and walked over to me. "You're not hurt are you?" He asked.

When I opened my mouth I couldn't speck, my throat was numb, no words came out, and so I nodded in reply.

He smiled again. "That's good" he sighed with relief, taking a seat on my bed. When I tried to ask what he was so relieved about, my throat pained, and I couldn't say a word.

"You know how long you've been out, right?" He asked. I shook my head, now that I considered it, how long had I been out? I guess a couple of hours, but it doesn't feel like it.

"Oh, a-and you don't remember what happened?" He asked, coking a bit on his words.

I shook my head, answering in a no. Though, part of it was a lie, I did remember a bit. His smile dropped, bitting his lip a bit.

"You've been out for two days" he told me. My jaw dropped. What? "I know, you shocked all of us, we were pretty worried about you" he bit his lip again.

I felt guilty, I didn't want to make people worry about me, I can't even remember what happened, though I do remember . . . Toothless!

My body flinched up, I quickly looked around the room, where is he?

"Whoa, Hic, calm down" Eli grabbed my shoulder and directed me to sit. "What's wrong?" He asked. I looked at him, he was worried?

I opened my mouth and tried to shout out a reply, but my throat was numb and nothing was coming out. I kept trying though, and trying.

So, what happens when I say - (Toothcup)Where stories live. Discover now