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"Eli stole. . . The book of Dragons. I was wondering where that went!" Fishlegs practically cried.

"But, wait, what does this mean. Hiccup ran away with Eli. Eli stole something, and not to mention, Toothless is missing!" Snotlout spat, not liking all of the unsettling news. And to add, he didn't understand it at all.

Fishlegs sighed again, and kept his gaze on the book. "It means. . . Eli stole something valuable from Berk, he's basically a traitor, and considering the fact that Hiccup ran away with him, he is too."

"Whoa, let's not take it that far, remember before Hiccup took StormFly, he was looking for Eli, and he looked pretty angry too." Astrid added.

"But even so, Hiccup was still hiding this. He could've told us at anytime." Fishlegs explained.

"No, he couldn't have." Snotlout intervened. Making both Fishlegs and Astrid turn their attention towards him.

"What're you mean--"

"Hiccup lost his memory, didn't you notice?" Snotlout stated, like it was obvious. And the other's jaws dropped.

"What're ya mean 'didn't you notice'? What was there to notice?" Astrid asked rather impatient. Making Snotlout raise his hands in defense.

"Jeez, I was just saying. I mean, it was kinda obvious, Hiccup would've told us what happened, even more so when he got his voice back. If not, then he was confused himself, meaning that he didn't know what happened, concluding that he lost his memory."

"Whoa, that just came out of Snotlout. . ." Fishlegs trailed in disbelief, his jaw dropped.

"What? It wasn't that hard to figure out." Snotlout stated.

"Yet you decided to tell us now?" Astrid practically shouted. "We found Hiccup unconscious near a house, with cuts and bruises all over his body, and you decide to tell us now?!"

"Wait a minute, Astrid. We didn't find Hiccup that night, Eli did."

Astrid froze. "Wait a minute. . ." Astrid's eyes went wide, and her mouth gapped open. "Oh no. . ."

" 'oh no', oh no, what?" Snotlout asked, not understanding, which made Fishlegs sigh.

"Eli was the last person Hiccup was with, he was there, don't you find it strange that Eli wasn't hurt if he was with Hiccup at the time?"

"Well, with suspicion on Eli already, I'd say that maybe it was planned." Fishlegs said, putting his hand to his chin.

"So, what you're saying is that Eli did that to Hiccup?" Snotlout asked. Feeling slight anger towards Eli now. Fishlegs hummed, thinking.

"Yes, it would point to that." Fishlegs concluded. "By why? What reason would he have for hurting Hiccup like that?" He asked.

"I do know," Astrid answered. "But I don't like it. I've noticed Eli around Hiccup lately, and I feel like he's using Hiccup. I know that I said for Hiccup to trust Eli, but in truth, at the moment, I don't." Astrid stated, then continued explaining. "The night I told Hiccup to give Eli his bag, was the same night Hiccup fell unconscious. So, maybe, if it was Eli who did it. I'm thinking, maybe Hiccup found the book, and to keep Hiccup from telling. Eli got him to lose his memory."

"That would make sense," Fishlegs said, and Snotlout agreed. The twins just listened in, instead of interrupting like normal.

"So, with Hiccup's memory gone, Eli can influence him to do anything." Astrid concluded, "damn it, we have to stop him."

"Good thing the Chief is out, or he might've made a bigger deal out of it than it already is." Snotlout stated, making a valid point.

The others nodded, agreeing. They all had concerns, for sure, but they had to get Hiccup back. No matter what.

"Eli is a suspect, until we figure this all out, we have to get to the bottom of this."

"But we don't have all the proof yet," Fishlegs cut in. "So, if we're planning on going after them, don't hurt him, only capture. For all we know, Eli could be helping Hiccup."

"I doubt it." Snotlout stated. "Think about it, there is also that other guy who was there. And remember how Hiccup was trying to get to Eli, cause he was trying to find Toothless. Those two guys must have Toothless, why else would they take Hiccup with them."

"With them?" Fishlegs asked.

"Yeah, check it, before I completely blacked out, I remember seeing them take Hiccup with them." Snotlout explained.

"Wait a minute, Snotlout! You saw them?!" Astrid realized.

"Well, yeah--"

"Then you must have seen the dragon they flew off on. What colour was it?" Fishlegs jumped in.

"I don't know, it was dark. I think it was black, maybe." Snotlout answered.

"It was most likely Toothless then." Astrid sighed.

"So, then what are we gonna do Astrid?" Fishlegs asked, and turned towards her, as the other three did as well.

They looked to her for answers. Of course they did, without Hiccup, Astrid would come in second to lead the gang. She sighed again. Thinking after about a minute, she lifted her head, looking at the four, she sighed once again.

"We must save Hiccup. Take action, whatever you do, do not hurt either of them. Hiccup is still our friend and so is Eli. Do not engage, only question."

"Repeat, no fire blast" Astrid explained, directed that added piece of information to the twins.

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