The Car Accident

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He climbs into the back of the ambulance,
and sits down at her side.
She struggles to grab his hand,
from the carelessly thrown position on the stretcher.
She trys to talk to him, make him feel like it wasn't his fault.
But she can't muster a sound,
and clenches his hand even tighter.
His eyes start to mist and he hangs his head low,
he doesn't want her to see him cry.
But he can't manage to hide his tears as they fall onto the sheet,
covering the mattress that lays beneath her.
The cop climbs in and sits on the other side,
and asks him once again how it happened.
With a wipe of a tear and a long loud sigh,
he speaks the story again:
"It was all just an innocent drive,
I didn't mean any harm.
We were just having fun,
trying to be happy.
We were driving down an empty street,
when we were stopped by a man standing on the sidewalk.
He pulled something out of his pocket,
and auctioned a price.
Desperate to find another way to impress her,
I gave and traded all my money for the white stuff he had in a bag.
With a thank you and an unsure smile,
I drove off.
Looking at the substance,
we decided to try it.
I pulled over to the side of the road,
and we shared the small bag.
I wasn't sure what to do,
I had never felt like this before.
Thinking I was doing what was best,
I decided to drive her home.
It was hard to see anything,
and I didn't know where I was.
It was hard to hear anything,
all I could hear was my heartbeat.
I remember looking over at her,
she was staring back at me.
Through all of that she made me feel like a man,
I out what was left of my attention back on the road in front of me.
I guess I missed the sign,
maybe it was the other driver.
But what I saw next,
was a big flash of light.
Then I felt a jerk,
then saw darkness.
For a moment,
I didn't know what was going on.
All I heard was squealing tires,
breaking glass,
and screaming.
The car finally stopped rolling,
and everything was silent.
But when I looked over,
was when I was most scared.
She wasn't there.
The seatbelt was torn in half,
and the passenger door was missing.
I began to look for her frantically,
ignoring the poor condition my own body was in.
I found her when the police showed up,
tehy pulld me away from her.
I don't know what the stuff in the bag was,
and I didn't know what it was supposed to do.
And all the man told was that I picked the right guy,
because he had the best stuff on the market.
I'm so sorry all of this happened,
I wish I could take it all back.
I shuld have listened to Mom,
I should've stayed home.
I should've helped Dad with the suprise he was making Mom,
for their anniversary tomorrow.
And all because of me,
I think she's dying...
I should've known better..."
The cop finished writing everything down,
and thanked the boy for explaining in such detail.
And told him,
how much it wuld benefit the case.
Then the cop climbed out of the ambulance,
and closed the door.
On the way to the hospital,
he did all he could do to keep her alive.
He held her,
promised it would get better...
But nothing worked.
Right before they pulled into the parking lot,
she gave up.
She let go of everything she had in life,
left it all behind.
He grabbed her and lifte her from teh stretcher,
and oulled her boy close to his.
He lost his composure, completely broke down.
His body quivered as he
he tried to tell himself it was a dream.
But nothing helped.
The peremedics opened the doors,
and took her away.
He didn't move from his seat in the ambulance.
He stared off into space,
didn't see or think anything.
After a few moments,
he climbed out of the vehicle and made his way down the wet street.
He stood on the side of the bridge,
looking down at the dark,
merciless water below.
With one final breath...
he jumped.
For a moment he felt at peace,
with the wind flying passed him.
Feeling weightless.
Then it hit.
The next morning a story covered all papers and news channels:
"A 14 year old boy and his girlfriend were in a vehicle accident,
fatally injuring the girl.
The teenagers,
not knowing what they were doing, bought a small bag of cocaine from a stranger and took the drug.
The boy ran a red light and was hit by an oncoming truck,
hit on the passenger's side.
After teh ambulance took them to the hospital the boy left,
and jumped off a nearby bridge.
The car had belonged to the boy's parents,
who had no idea the vehicle had been taken.

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