Chapter 16 // The Library

Start from the beginning

Adam limped out steadily into the corridor while Beaumont held onto his waist, just to be sure he was a stable on his paws.

Beaumont smiled at Marie and Mrs. Potts and said, "Good morning!"

"Look who's walking!" Mrs. Potts exclaimed joyously, "You recovered quickly, master."

"I owe all my thanks to Marie and Beaumont." Adam looked down at Beaumont and smirked.

"Well then..." Marie interrupted with her hands on her hips, "Now that you're walking you better start working."

Adam's ears folded back and he cocked his head in confusion, "Working on what?" He immediately regretted sounding rude and added quickly, "Madame."

Marie chuckled at how hesitant Adam was and then explained, "Mrs. Potts told me for the last ten years it has only been her, Chip, Lumière, and Cogsworth living in the castle. To be completely honest, this place is filthy. No offense, Mrs. Potts."

"None taken, Marie." Mrs. Potts sighed and stared at the dusty windows, "This place is so big we hardly can keep up with it."

"That's precisely why Beaumont and I decided to help out." She smiled at Beaumont as he nodded his approval, "Since we will be living here, why not do our part as well?"

Adam smiled as his tail wagged excitedly, "That's very kind of you two. Thank you."

"And since you're up and walking now, you can start helping too." Marie scoffed and glared at Adam, "Mrs. Potts also told me you liked spending your days locked up in your room."

Adam hesitated and pouted at Mrs. Potts. She shrugged and mouthed, sorry.

"I will have no more of that." Marie ordered, "Prince or not. You'll do your part as well. Understand?"

"Y-yes, Madame." Adam gulped nervously, "Of course."

She smiled and patted his paw, "Good boy." Marie and Mrs. Potts walked back down the corridor.

Adam stood paralyzed and tense as they walked off. Once they were out of sight, he broke the silence and admitted, "Your mother is terrifying, Beaumont."

Beaumont laughed and patted his back, "Trust me, I know. She's my mother." 

The two started walking down the corridor. Adam turned to Beaumont with an ecstatic smile on his face and confessed, "There's something I've been wanting to show you, Beaumont."

Beaumont was curious and asked excitedly, "Really? What is it?" 

"You'll see." Adam snickered.

After awhile, they finally made it to a new part of the castle Beaumont has yet to see. Standing before them were two beautifully engraved wooden doors with gold plated handles.

"Is this it, Adam?" Beaumont asked, awed by the gigantic doors.

Adam departed from Beaumont's side and stood by the doorway, eager to show him the inside, "Close your eyes, Beaumont. It's a surprise!"

"A surprise? Adam you really don't have to―"

"Please?" He pouted, a soft whimper under his breath.

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