Chapter 3

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~Dipper's POV~

Gravity Falls, Oregon

Things here seemed to have for the most part stayed the same. There are more people and a few more businesses.
To the untrained eye this town is just another forgotten location on the map. But if you look close enough, you'll notice that nothing here is normal. Sadly it seems I'm the only one who notices it. . .

I'm the only one who understands.

The only one who ever will.

And the ones who understood me though, weren't with me.

My sister Mabel, had to stay home, while I traveled back to our summer home to continue my studies. When I told her about my departure she went though her five stages of grief that I knew all to well.

Number one was sadness. Breaking down and crying for hours, sometimes even weeks or months.

Two was a anger. Sometimes it's not even me she gets mad at when I do something. If it's a crush she's getting over, then she'll start blaming people for why it went wrong. Like saying our mom and dad didn't make her cute enough.

Stage three was blaming herself. She would think she wasn't good enough to be around anyone and often would lock herself in our room. Those nights I sleep on the couch. Sometimes she won't even come out to eat.

Four was trying to better everything. This one doesn't always happen though, it depends on the situation. She'll try too hard to make everything better and make sure everyone was having fun. She would often stress herself out and we would all have to pretend to be happy.

Last was acceptance. For the most part getting over it, or at least pushing the problem back to think about later. Sometimes the thought might randomly flash in her mind and her grief symptoms will start up again in whatever order they want.

It usually happens in this order but sometimes it's all mixed up.

Now I am living at the Mystery Shack which no one ever came to anymore. Possible reasons as to why may include, Stan being gone at sea, most the old workers have their own lives to attend to, the fact that no one ever wants to see my REAL attractions, and some other things too.

Soos used to run it but he went to live with his wife, Melanie, in her home town. He said they might come back. The two had a beautiful wedding where my Gruncle Stan was the best man, Mabel was the flower girl, I was the ring bearer, and Wendy and a couple of Melanies cousins were the bridesmaids.

It's hard to tell who did more planning for the wedding, the actual people getting married, or Mabel.

Wendy was still here, but she was often at home taking care of her father in his old age. Though the hefty lumberjack insisted he needed no help, they both knew that he was way better off if Wendy was there. But he would never admit that to his sons or his only daughter.

Pacifica was still here and her family has only gotten wealthier. We've actually become pretty good friends. We don't always hang out A LOT, but when we do, we enjoy each other's company. For her it's an escape from perfection, everything having to be the best of the best, never being able to fall out of line or get out of character, and most of all her overbearing and strict parents.

For me hanging out with Pacifica meant having someone who would listen to me, my sister usually just told me I was paranoid and make fun of me. It also meant that I had an actual friend, and I can have Mabel off my back about me needing to make friends.

At home, all but one time, any friend that I got just wanted me to do their homework or something. In Gravity Falls there weren't many people my age, 17, most of them are the same kids who have been here since before I first arrived with my sister when we were 12.

Grenda and Candy were still here parts of the year and occasionally go to see my sister. Gideon was still serving time in jail. And Makenzie and Jessica -Pacifica's fake friends her Parents make her hang out with- don't act like jerks like Pacifica has to, they just are jerks.

It gets lonely sometimes.

Maybe I could find another friend if i get time, but right now I have to focus on my studies of the secrets of this mysterious town.
(A/n) I'm pretty proud of myself :) 769 words, not including this note! Anyway I hope you liked it!

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